Please read need little advise

Trichome God

Active Member
Ok I have two 25 inch indica plants that are in there 4 th week of flowering. There looking good but all the leaves are turning really light green yellow color. I though and was told it could be lack of nitrogen. This however is not the case. They are root bound and I was wondering if I could do a transplant into a bigger container again during flowering. They have some beautifull buds that I would like to see get even bigger. The flowering time is about 50 days at 16 inches they where 18 inches when I startered flowering. Do I have enough time for this to even help?

Thanks for your comments

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

can you post a picture...

sounds like it could be rootbound issue... are your stems red?
IF you have good transplanting skills. I would transplant .. for sure.. especially if yo think you can get the ENTIRE ROOTBALL/SOIL IN ONE SMOOTH TRANSITION....

Are ALL the leaves yellowing or just the bottom ones and slowing moving up?

If you do transplant, USE a 50% perlite mix.. o2 is vital at this point..



Well-Known Member
Yes please be VERY gentle when transplanting. When watering make sure the liquid is at room temp to reduce shock.

Trichome God

Active Member
I did transplant today and it went good except I had to pick some dirt out of the buds. I did not think about watering at room temp to reduce shock thanks. In the future, if I plan on letting then get that big I will start with a larger pot. thanks for the info. really do apreate the advise. thanks agian:peace: