PLEASE READ!- 9 inch plant going well...i hope, check it out, help me out.


Well-Known Member
yeah, does anyone know any way of making the flowering process any faster? need to get the plant finished asap. due to my mates wife not wanting the plant at their house anymore, for security reasons.


Well-Known Member
well theres no way to really speed it up i dont think,just make sure its in the 12/12 cycle,my plant just died today have to germinate a new seed so im upset,but yea maybe if worse comes to worse bring it to ur house if possible?if not then idk just have to wait it out


Well-Known Member
ok, well it was at my house until my parents found it and told me to get rid of it, and so yeah, i dont think i can bring it back, but i cant let this all just goto waste. i need to flower this bitch. lol i wanna see the dense nuggz i get off it, and i want that satisfaction of smoking waht ive grown, you know?

ohhhhh god i hope the wife comes around, ...ive even offered to buy them a gro tent and a big ass padlock for the garage door. lol. im just waiting on what the wife says to that idea. im hoping for the best.

and... grow tents on are on special from $250.00 to $99.00, well $130.00 with postage to my area.


Well-Known Member
ok, well it was at my house until my parents found it and told me to get rid of it, and so yeah, i dont think i can bring it back, but i cant let this all just goto waste. i need to flower this bitch. lol i wanna see the dense nuggz i get off it, and i want that satisfaction of smoking waht ive grown, you know?

ohhhhh god i hope the wife comes around, ...ive even offered to buy them a gro tent and a big ass padlock for the garage door. lol. im just waiting on what the wife says to that idea. im hoping for the best.

and... grow tents on are on special from $250.00 to $99.00, well $130.00 with postage to my area.
Damn bro that's not good at all. I hope she comes around to. If you could I'd say just finish her up outside. She'd love that anyways. I don't know about speeding up the flowering process, but have you tried adding molasses. Just add 1-2 tablsespoons per gallon (1 tablespoon to start) and water. Don't know about taking all those leaves off bro. SheLs gonna need some of them at least for sugars that go into the plant during flower, thatas why a lot of peoples fan leaves die off after 3-4 weeks. Hope all goes well tho keep us posted!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks great bud , i recommend ya drill lil holes in the pot ( if it can be done to ur pot ) and tie the one end of cleaner thru the holes. That way as the grow you dont have to stretch that many cleaners . As they grow they might pull out of the soil ect. Good Luck .


Well-Known Member
yea,that sucks i hope she cmoes around 2,it would suck to have to pay 130 for that tent though when ur getting so close!hopefully she comes through but if not do what u can do


Well-Known Member
No joke hes fucking good at it ... but it depends where you live ....LOL but we was talking about selling them ....not long ago


Well-Known Member
well, nah, just the tent itself. ive got about 7 or 8 cfls total for this grow. probably gunna get more, but i was just needing the tent by itself. and im in australia.

possible to sell one to me? for a nice price?


Well-Known Member
yeah but thats the thing, the only bigger cfls i can find are too out of my price range, im un-employed atm, and im funding this whole grow off my weekly allowance. lol.

and just wondering, you've seen my Mary, how many 23 watt warm cfls will i need to get a nice yeild? (and by 'nice yield' i mean the closest possible to an ounce, or more) ... [is this even possible?]

thanks, laterz.


blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
yeah but thats the thing, the only bigger cfls i can find are too out of my price range, im un-employed atm, and im funding this whole grow off my weekly allowance. lol.

and just wondering, you've seen my Mary, how many 23 watt warm cfls will i need to get a nice yeild? (and by 'nice yield' i mean the closest possible to an ounce, or more) ... [is this even possible?]

thanks, laterz.

Well my friend grew 1 plant under 2 23 watt cfls and got a lil over an ounce of some dank bud. i think tht if u want more than tht u could get like 4 or 5 and ull have 2 ounces maybe


Well-Known Member
so i shood get over 2 ounces with 8 cfls right? i have a 28 watter, two 23 watters, one 24 watter, and 4 little cfl's(under 20 watts each).


or should i buy a 125 watt 2700k cfl? would it be worth it?

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
i dont think so...because the more lights u have they can reach more parts of the plant, just as tha sun does as the day goes on. i think ur gonna have 2 ounces easy


Well-Known Member
shweet as, would u recommend i use like, two 28 watters above the plant, and the rest of the lower wattage cfl's and one 28 watter, surrounding the base of the plant?