Please post your evidence of election fraud here.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Good question.

Elections themselves are frauds
because they purport to be able to do something which is mathematically impossible, not to mention morally bereft.

The math of it...

Since none of us as an individual has the ability to delegate something we don't possess, no group of people all possessing that same zero right can form a positive sum from the aggregate of their zeroes. Thus the right of a group to delegate something which nobody in the group possesses, is not possible.

Therefore, government itself has not presented evidence of its legitimacy. Electing people who then have no legitimacy and saying they do have legitimacy is a fraud.

So, I've posted my evidence. Do I win now ?


Well-Known Member
Good question.

Elections themselves are frauds
because they purport to be able to do something which is mathematically impossible, not to mention morally bereft.

The math of it...

Since none of us as an individual has the ability to delegate something we don't possess, no group of people all possessing that same zero right can form a positive sum from the aggregate of their zeroes. Thus the right of a group to delegate something which nobody in the group possesses, is not possible.

Therefore, government itself has not presented evidence of its legitimacy. Electing people who then have no legitimacy and saying they do have legitimacy is a fraud.

So, I've posted my evidence. Do I win now ?
Yes. A lifetime of loneliness is your reward.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Democrats oppose common sense methods to ensure elections are valid, and voters are actually eligible to vote.

That is pretty good evidence.


Well-Known Member
Democrats oppose common sense methods to ensure elections are valid, and voters are actually eligible to vote.

That is pretty good evidence.
sorry that all the courts found your "common sense methods" to be anything but. they actually ruled that they did nothing to stop voting from being vulnerable to election fraud, which they also found was not even a problem to begin with, and that your solution to said non-existent problem was racist, discriminatory, and targeted blacks for disenfranchisement "with surgical precision".

but seeing as how you are a white supremacist who is only interested in disenfranchising blacks because your platform and policies are so abhorrent, that was to be expected.

here's an idea, instead of trying to rig elections with racist and unconstitutional laws, maybe just propose better ideas.

give my regards to your drunken, 400 pound wife, george.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
sorry that all the courts found your "common sense methods" to be anything but. they actually ruled that they did nothing to stop voting from being vulnerable to election fraud, which they also found was not even a problem to begin with, and that your solution to said non-existent problem was racist, discriminatory, and targeted blacks for disenfranchisement "with surgical precision".

but seeing as how you are a white supremacist who is only interested in disenfranchising blacks because your platform and policies are so abhorrent, that was to be expected.

here's an idea, instead of trying to rig elections with racist and unconstitutional laws, maybe just propose better ideas.

give my regards to your drunken, 400 pound wife, george.
Hey, Andy! How's Jess? Prego yet?


Well-Known Member
Still no bun in the oven? Try ejaculating if possible.
you still haven't posted any evidence of election fraud.

maybe you can quote that minnesota group again. you know, the one who thinks gay indoctrination in our schools is something to be worried about as well.


Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck, I thought I had found some good news for your reproductive efforts. Alas, it requires semen, so back to the drawing board. Science might yet find a way to fill the void you are unable to properly occupy, but it will be a while.

"Making babies without eggs may be possible, say scientists"
i bet you had something totally different in mind when you went to "".