Please my babies need HELP!


New Member

I am kind of new to this as this is my first grow. My plants where doing very very well but i just checked them last night and they where all sick looking and now i rechecked them and i found them like this :(
Can anyone identify the problem and is there any remedy for my plants or do i have to destroy them ? I am using a 30W CFL Daylight white on 18 on - 6off. I have good ventilation and good air movement. I water my plants once every 2-3 days. I really hope it is nowthing serious as I am to attached to them sound wiered but its my first time and i am obsessed with my babies. Below are the before and after Pictures :(


Thank you for your help in advance!


Active Member
Your temperature is too high. Keep them at 74 degrees. Humidity needs to be around 50%. Only water them when the soil is bone dry, not before. I would kill these and start again. Stressed plants tend to hermie and give you seeds. It really ruins your day when you spend months to get a good crop and you find seeds.


Ok guys gonna make a new growbox and some improvements. I guess I will have to say goodbye to my little Widows.


Active Member
I dont think temps did that. I hit 84 during the day under a 1000mh. Looks like nute burn to me. Less is more when it comes to nutes. Maybe your soil is hot with pre added nutes and you fed them?


Looks like a few issues going on there. #1 they aren't babies: they don't need you. What kind of soil did you use? What if anything did you give them?

The heat and humidity in and of itself shouldn't have caused that. 83 degrees isn't all that extreme, while it might be ideal to have it a bit cooler. Upper 80's is pushing it. It does seem a tad warm considering the use of the CFLs, but IDK what kind of environment you live in. Is the tent generally sealed? Sealed room with an overwatering issue could lend to a higher relative humidity. What kind of ventilation are we talking?

It is possible you overwatered, there would have been clear indications of this before any visible damage occurred. It kind of irks me when people say to water when it is bone-dry; you should water a bit before this, you want the soil lightly moistened at all times. Judge when to water by the weight of the container, water when light. How often you water will depend on potting mix, container size, plant size and root grow but generally you always want to water until you get some run-off. Waiting too long to water facilitates incomplete\underwatering (and the development of dry spots in the medium), because when the soil is bone dry it very often actually becomes hydrophobic and initially repels water.


Well-Known Member
Like he says above " Learn to water by the weight of the container" that is very important. Something badly was out of wack to do that much damage that quick. Go VERY easy on nutes once they're old enough and strong enough to even take on nutrients.
I cant imagine CFL light causing light burn but it looks like a little bit of that going on too.
Dont get discouraged, you had a nice start on them. Remember that after all they are weeds and sometimes we f@ck with them too much when they really need left alone to do their thing.


New Member
Uhhhhh big dawg I would check ur ladies with a scope and see if you have Russet Mites. They are different than Spider Mites. They look more like a white ish tan worm. This what it looks like when u have them kinda bad. I would use Neem & Hydrogen Peroxide with some water and a couple drops of soap in a spray bottle and spray the nodes hard. Just saying. I could be wrong but check anyway and see if ur green leaves are covered with little white insects. I recommend a printers loop or magnifying glass of some sort. And like others have said this could be a combo thing happening here with soil & or nutes along with the mites. But to make totally sure. Scope for mites and spray if need be, minor flush ur dirt with just water and check pH & ppm's if u can and temp should be kosh as long as u have some decent air flow happening. Mine cruises in the early 80's with 30%rh and 396cfm exhaust fan in a 9x6ft closet. So check those things and see what happens in a few days. Because if you fix these things you dont have to kill them off. Just trim some dead matter off after solving problems them new growth comes and u pull off the old and then when they are at desired height you can clone & or flower depending on ur needs.


New Member
Guyss Thank you All for your replies! I am now understanding more what happened. This is really an awsome forum. I did give them some nutes Miracle gro nutes. And i watered them with drinking bottle water which is Bad i think.


Well-Known Member
It does look like nute burn. I would trim off the burned leaves since it looks like you still have viable tops. Then I would flush with good water. Then no fert until you see new growth on top. Never give full strength fert right away. Start at half strength or less.