Please LOOK and help diagnose...2 Veg plants


Active Member
Hi all, I'm seeing a couple of different issues in some spots on my plant. I have searched this and other sites and found some possible explanations, but I'm hoping RIU members can give their input!

In the first pic, this one leaf has a rust like look and where it is occurring the leaf feels like it is dry and able to crack/crumble.

In the second pic, you'll see the yellow spots on the leaf, this is seen on the top and bottom of the leaf. This is not all over the plant, just on a leaf or two.

Third pic I'm trying to show you the discoloration in the leaf. Parts of the leaf are green in color however some parts are more of a light green in. This also is not happening throughout the plant, only showing on a leaf or two.

Fourth pic is of 1 of the Veg plants. Plants are about 1 month old and I have given no nutes to them yet. Just ph'd water. Since I have another plant in flower now, I'm putting both plants under a 250W HPS for 12hrs and then under CFL's for 12hrs. Is this possibly just a general nute deficiency or lack thereof? If so, can anyone recommend a general Veg nute solution that contains a little bit of all the good stuff the plant needs?

Any input is appreciated! :leaf:



Active Member
Normally if a plant has nute shortage they will use the lowest fan leaves to give extra "push" on the top.. The lowest leaves will start to turn light green then from the outside begin to turn yellow then competently dry out and then fall off (naturally) (the pictures look a bit like it but not completely)
Normally i start adding nutes in the sec week (depending on the conditions of the plant)
if they turn yellow dont pull em off!! The plant is still getting "energy" from it... The same thing when flowering!! Don't pull the coloring leaves off till they come off almost from them self..
the yellow/ brownish spots on your plants.. I had the same with last ice strains i grew.. Didnt cause any problems tough..
What i can see from the pics is that your plants (like most) have magnesium shortage.. U can see these by the red turning stems of the fan leaves..
Plants both in veg and flowering status have huge magnesium needs.. (but mostly in veg..)


Active Member
Thanks WhateverOne, I just bought some Veg nutes today and gave to the plants. Also topped them so will monitor them over the next few days and see what happens. Hopefully only good things!

OG Wizard

Thanks WhateverOne, I just bought some Veg nutes today and gave to the plants. Also topped them so will monitor them over the next few days and see what happens. Hopefully only good things!
yow, yblek what type of nutes did you get cause my plants are goin down the tubes and i need nutes just dont know what to get. ps im using hyponex potting soil i heard its bad. what should i doo. thx



Active Member
yow, yblek what type of nutes did you get cause my plants are goin down the tubes and i need nutes just dont know what to get. ps im using hyponex potting soil i heard its bad. what should i doo. thx
I ended up buying Flora Nova nutes to use only with my Veg plants shown in this thread. Flora Nova makes 2 main nute mixes I noticed. One for veg and the other for flower. I skipped on the flower nutes from them as I already use Fox Farm Bloom and Microblast for the flower stage.


Active Member
By the way, Flora Nova nutes, AWESOME! They are working like a charm, no problems at this point anymore.