Please Ipban me or tell me what went wrong

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
This whole subject is sort of a touchy subject in its own. The trouble I have thus far with certain moderators is once someone has been marked, they can't fix their reputation. (typically) For instance, If I get in a tiff with a moderator, I feel like that moderator simply has me marked as a negative person from that time forward. I have been unable to work things out with certain moderators, not because of my unwillingness to work things but at that point in time they have it set in mind that I'm a negative person here to cause problems. Which really isn't the case. I try to treat people how I want to be treated, I'm mellow to people who are mellow to me but if someone wants to have words, I don't have a problem having words.

Now, I had a disagreement with a moderator before, we had a couple PM's, a few unprofessional things were said on both ends and after a week or two, I randomly repped him and left a comment saying "sorry we got off on the wrong foot, didnt really mean to piss you off. hope we can get past it"

I instantly was repped back and the comment said "its all in the past, thanks for the message". We haven't had a single problem since.

So.. Some moderators are reasonable. Some are not. I'd love to point some fingers but... that ain't Krondizzel's style.
sorry you feel that way but each person is his own. I can honestly say i don't hold any grudges against members. I'll speak my mind, but I don't have hate in my heart. even if a member gets on my 'badside' I still forgive that member in due time.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Im not dead wrong, go read every thread that has a single post of flame and it shows that people dont care how others feel, flame is flame and Its caused by people with a different personality than you describe.
you're dead wrong. how many members are there?


New Member
sorry you feel that way but each person is his own. I can honestly say i don't hold any grudges against members. I'll speak my mind, but I don't have hate in my heart. even if a member gets on my 'badside' I still forgive that member in due time.
I completely agree. Everyone on here is a different personality. Greenhorn, I don't have a negative thing to say about you. At all.


Well-Known Member

Im really surprised I've never even had a warning. I had a thread deleted that was a joke/troll thread about putting a cat in the microwave for 5 seconds. Forgot to say jk and sensative mod pulled it down. I didn't go having a hissy fit though.
How can you be against cleaning up the forums and trying to make it a friendlier place overall? Id prefer to not have people breathing down my neck constantly if one post goes wrong.


New Member
not really. unless you copy and paste and send in pm to a global
No. Don't worry about it. This cat just provoked me completely randomly. Never seen or heard of the guy and I get a rep comment like that?

There's that swing you were talking about. Now I'm watching this person like a hawk.

Of course all it takes is this dude squealing "Kron's picking on me" for my ass to end up in hot water, even though this cat provoked me at random.


Well-Known Member
you're dead wrong. how many members are there?
I dont understand how im wrong truth be told, if you could see the flame youd know that many people wont shrug It off and continue on, theres a lot of flame floating around that keeps getting fueled.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I dont understand how im wrong truth be told, if you could see the flame youd know that many people wont shrug It off and continue on, theres a lot of flame floating around that keeps getting fueled.
I'm saying you're wrong because you are only focusing on the negative. that's all. I've been here 5 years. the good members greatly out weigh the bad members. every forum, no matter what kind of forum you are on, is gonna have a cast of characters. it's the internet


New Member
didn't know you couldn't identify a exaggeration but I'll point it out next time
On the net, it's not always recognized unless you use some sort of smiley or something.

If you look at the statistics, he's not completly wrong but I can say all that flame fest crap stays in the politics and smile n talk, I don't grow so I dunno how it is in there but I'm sure this site has 70ish% mature conversations. The only thing I'm saying is, their should be more bans or at the very least infractions, closing/deleting threads and posts, is more of a job for you to do IMO, giving people actual consequences would have them think twice. Maybe a warning first and then ban the next time.


New Member
I dont understand how im wrong truth be told, if you could see the flame youd know that many people wont shrug It off and continue on, theres a lot of flame floating around that keeps getting fueled.
I've actually stopped reporting people since I just see the same people keel doing it lol, there's no point.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
On the net, it's not always recognized unless you use some sort of smiley or something.

If you look at the statistics, he's not completly wrong but I can say all that flame fest crap stays in the politics and smile n talk, I don't grow so I dunno how it is in there but I'm sure this site has 70ish% mature conversations. The only thing I'm saying is, their should be more bans or at the very least infractions, closing/deleting threads and posts, is more of a job for you to do IMO, giving people actual consequences would have them think twice. Maybe a warning first and then ban the next time.
well if you are only hanging out in toke and talk and politics, than that is your problem.

TnT and politics is strictly for bullshitting


New Member
I'm saying you're wrong because you are only focusing on the negative. that's all. I've been here 5 years. the good members greatly out weigh the bad members. every forum, no matter what kind of forum you are on, is gonna have a cast of characters. it's the internet
I could name a few forums that have none because they don't give 123456433 chances, but I've already lost my privileges for life for linking one to a person that asked what forum.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I could name a few forums that have none because they don't give 123456433 chances, but I've already lost my privileges for life for linking one to a person that asked what forum.
than why are you hanging out here and not there? If I didn't like how things are on this forum, I'd find a new home.... but that's just me.


New Member
well if you are only hanging out in toke and talk and politics, than that is your problem.
Lol, so you admit it then? I think we're getting somewhere now, whoever is running the politics section and the talk n toke needs to start doing their job better.

Why didn't you answer my suggestion?

I'm in your head. :)