please help


New Member
hi everyone, ive been smoking for years and wanting to do my own grow for a while. i finally went out and got myself the gear for an indoor crop and some seeds but i dont know where to go from here? can anyone chuck in some ideas? greatly appreciated guys
Start reading up on how to get your grow space the right amount of light for the space, how to ventilate and exhaust the hot air, and what soil and pots to use. Good luck and good growing!
From my experience.... buy a book about how to grow grade A+ bud. Marijuana 101 from Barnes & Noble. This book goes over everything. From security to making cannabutter. That book was the best investment I've ever made when I wanted to start growing just like you.
if you dont know what to do get your kit all in one place and send it back wannabe keep telling wannabe is let the big boys do the growing and the wannabe do the smoking
why didnt you save you money and just by some mj cos you gonna be thinking you gona get growing and get some nice weed in fact 90% of wannabe growers fook up and dont get what thay expect
my point on wannabe growers