Please help


Well-Known Member
Why the pods ? And why isn't it nuggy?
the pods could be due to light leaks u have any ?? might of had some sacks come out of her again it only takes a few days or she could of had hermie genetics the fox tailing could be A heat B to close to the leds or Cnot enough light so they are reaching to it but couldent see that going on 90f is abit high at times


Well-Known Member
Four and a half months and in three gallon containers is the issue. The roots are probably bound. That can cause hermaphroditism, but from your pix, it just seems to have elongated their finishing. The density issue has some to do w/ your lights, distance to lights, nutrients, feed schedule, dry time, humidity and temperature. She looks healthy and doesn't look like she's growing any pollen sacks. I'd let her finish until her pistols and/or trichomes look finished. Let us have a smoke report when you get her cured. Enjoy.


Four and a half months and in three gallon containers is the issue. The roots are probably bound. That can cause hermaphroditism, but from your pix, it just seems to have elongated their finishing. The density issue has some to do w/ your lights, distance to lights, nutrients, feed schedule, dry time, humidity and temperature. She looks healthy and doesn't look like she's growing any pollen sacks. I'd let her finish until her pistols and/or trichomes look finished. Let us have a smoke report when you get her cured. Enjoy.
But if she's still in the 3 gallon pot and the roots are bound Will she even grow or finish?