Please Help


Active Member
I got the water farm 8 pack. Seeds sprouted in 1" rockwell cubs.

filled up the water farm bucket with hydroton, but the water drips and does not seem to make its way to the middle were the plant is ???

what do i do ?

Do i just need to let the system for a while ? if so how long ?

Please help, dont want to let plants die, trying to grow big bud

THANKS !!!!!


Well-Known Member
How old and how big are your plants? I have the GH Waterfarms and put my girls in the center of it after 4-5 weeks of vegging. That way I can drop their rootball down through a hole I cut in the top bucket and let the roots float in the reservoir with an airstone.

I clone them in rockwool then into a drip/dwc setup until they are big enough to go into the Waterfarm. I have a small setup that can flower only 4 at a time max.

Otherwise if your plants are smaller to start with you need to plant yours closer to the inner edge of the ring so that it can get water & nutrients until the roots grow enough.

Be sure to clean the hydroton rocks very well and pH them. Your roots will get choked by the clay dust/mud, if not.



Active Member
Thanks much for the advice, but I already put the hydroton in without washing it.

Will this kill the plants ? I only have two in the system so far so should I can take the hydroton out and wash it ?



Well-Known Member
Since your plants are small, I'm guessing, then you should be able to wash off the hydroton straight into the reservoir by pouring two gallons of pH'd (about 5.5 - 6.0) plain no nutrient water over the hydroton and then empty the bottom bucket. Do this until the water flushes through fairly clear and not reddish or brown. You should be ok.

I check the pH every other day on my girls and change out the reservoirs every 4-5 days from their usage. I don't have the controller unit yet. Maybe in the future.

I'm flushing my Strawberry Cough now with pH'd Clearex water and have about two weeks left on my Dutch Dragon, both in GH Hydrofarms.

I run my air pump on a timer for half an hour at a time every 4 hours during flowering and continuously during flush. Make sure that the plants don't get splashed by the nutrient from the ring. Bury the ring if you have to. It can burn your plants.

Good luck.

Go green....Grow


Active Member
right now the plants are only about 6 days old. They are standing strait up and looking strong.'

I have them in the pots next to the ring so its getting water.

They are sitting under a 1000W MH light.

The light is about 4 to 5 feet away. Doing 18/6 lighting.


Well-Known Member
Watch that the lights don't burn them. That's a lot of power usage for germinating and seedling growth! Try some cfl's until they grow some more. They will like you for it. You can put the light very close so they don't stretch.

Have a small fan blowing on them gently to strengthen the stems.

I have the drip/dwc setup for my clones and seedlings that works great. If you want info let me know.

Good luck.