Please help..


Active Member

someone please help.. last night my plants were doing fine, looked pretty healthy and all but when i woke up i checked on them and the second one, which was the healthiest seems to be dying, there is discoloration on the leaves and all the leaves are starting to droop. this is my first time growing so im not sure what to do, im pretty sure they are going to die unless i can find out what is wrong with them, any help is highly appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
they look fine to me... was it dark over night? because when it gets dark the leaves droop a little to save their energy.


Active Member
nope ive kept the light on 24/7, i have a fan too that blows on them every so often, i couldnt take that well of a pic so it may be hard to tell, the first one is ok i guess but the second one has yellow bottom leaves and its tipping a little


New Member
Are you using a moisture meter to tell you when to water ... or are you doing like most of us did in the beginning and loving them to death? :)

Most problems are ... over watering, over fertilizing, too much heat, no ventilation ... and too much love.



Well-Known Member
...there is discoloration on the leaves and all the leaves are starting to droop. ...
Explain "discoloration"... ??

Or better yet post some good pics without the HPS lighting...

Guessing over water, over nut or both but more info please... =P


Well-Known Member
Sorry to be a hijacker...but Redd, how does one over love their plant?? As a newbie, I feel deep love and want to not over do what are some warning signs of too much love??


Well-Known Member
Over watering and over feeding are the main symptoms of the over love bug... =]

As is the "checking on them every 5 minutes" symptom but i am afraid to say that this symptom never really quite disappears... Luckily it has the lest negative affect on your babies and is only harmful if it is done in the flowering phase during dark periods... =]

That damn OverLoveBug is spreading like crazy... =P


Active Member
idk what i did really, probably over watering and some other things, i have like 30 of the same seeds left so i guess ill just start over haha, sorry about the crappy pics but thanks for the advice :joint: