Please Help!!!


Would anyone have any suggestions on how to treat these clones or should I just toss away? I want to just try a flush but wanted to run it past someone. Hope to hear from you soon!

The one on the left is a Chem Dawg started from a seed and hasn't been sexed yet. The One on the right is a Sky Walker clone.



Well-Known Member
sugar.......4 tsp in a gallon of ph'd water. burn up that excess N with a spike in microbial growth. good luck.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't toss them dude they can recover. These plants are pretty unbelievable at how much shit they can take.

scroglodyte: What is tipping you off that there is excess N? Not doubting you, I just would like to know what some signs are so I know what to look for


Well-Known Member
and please........DOUBT me! always think it out, and research it yourself, as well as asking others. i've killed


Well-Known Member
a little more info would help figure it out. Id also be with scrog on this one. However could simply be your watering. But for the most part when the leaves get darker and darker they are experiencing an abundance of nitrogen. Are you in soil or hydro? If your in soil let em dry out if you have just watered them. No idea on hydro set ups. But i would always start with this thread and if its not there its proly water.


These plants are about 3 weeks into veg and are still in rockwool cubes. I'll give them a flush with just sugar and treated water. I Appreciate the help gentlemen!