Please help


Hi guys,i am from the island of guam. I smoke marijuana for both spiritual and medical purposes,though it is not legal here. Here is my problem. I was recently pulled over and arrested for a concealed firearm and posession (only about 1 gram). Over here you have to get a firearms license to own a gun and each one must be registered. I have a license but it is not to carry concealed. I kept the gun in my center console because i knew no better. There were no instructional or safety classes for a license. They just did a background check, i waited and i got it. I was not aware that it was forbidden to be there. I kept it there just for self defense. If a criminal has a gun hes not gonna wait for me to get my gun and load it you know? I am not a drug dealer. I am an honest,hard working parent just trying to protect me and my family (legally since i went and got a license) who just smokes marijuana every once in a while. What kind of trouble do you guys think i would be in and do you have any advice on my defense. Thanks,any help would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear, use your computer to search the local news for others like you or go ask the cops they will tell you. Get a lawyer.