Please help


Well-Known Member
I just got a job. A nice job, i need this. And i got the job but they said they are taking a hair follicle test when i start on monday. Is there anyway i can pass? I dont have time to order detoxes.
Hair folicle testing is the most thorough of all the tests done. If the hair is one year old then it will contain the history of your drug use for one year. The hair test is also used to weed out individuals who have genetic predispositions toward diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc., you get the idea. It is an expensive test and generally only used by corporations who perform 'sensitive' services for the military/industrial complex. You would have to remove EVERY hair on your body as well as your finger and toenails to not be able to participate and if you did that they would automatically reject you.
I just got a job. A nice job, i need this. And i got the job but they said they are taking a hair follicle test when i start on monday. Is there anyway i can pass? I dont have time to order detoxes.

#1--get rid of that picture of you as an avatar:-|

#2--your screwed:blsmoke:
go to the beauty supply store and ask for a hair stripping shampoo. Tell them why you need it, and they will get you the strongest they have. There is no guarantee, but if the job is worth it wash every hair on your body with it for as long as you have until the test. Also go get a short haircut and manscape your pubes chest and underarm hair. goodluck!
Also go get a short haircut and manscape your pubes chest and underarm hair.

LMAO @ Manscape
Hair folicle testing is the most thorough of all the tests done. If the hair is one year old then it will contain the history of your drug use for one year. The hair test is also used to weed out individuals who have genetic predispositions toward diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc., you get the idea. It is an expensive test and generally only used by corporations who perform 'sensitive' services for the military/industrial complex. You would have to remove EVERY hair on your body as well as your finger and toenails to not be able to participate and if you did that they would automatically reject you.

You the Loki from the shroomery?
Dont waste their time or yours. Find a good excuse that you can't be employed by them. If you dont take the test then you wont fail. Call them first and tell them you have found employment elsewhere that suits you better at this time. Be kind, write them a letter telling that they gave you a nice job offer and you appreciate it, but you found something else that suits you better. Make sure to thank them for their time and interest in you as a canidate for employment. Be professional about it. Most companies keep a blacklist of people that have failed pre-employment drug tests. And if you ever apply there again, you will be automatically declined employment. A hair test will find you positive for months after you have used drugs. Again, don't take the test. If you don't take it you can't fail. (I know this from experience). Call em', write them a follow up thank you letter and find someplace else that will hire you without a drug test. You might need that job when you will test clean someday.
Technically the hair test has a legit lawful loophole, if that makes any sense atall. Shave your head. Legally they cant not hire you for being bald. Grats I just got you the job :) Btw invest in a hat winter is coming :P
KMFG Please take my first post on your thread to heart. If you show up with a shaved head they will just take hair from your arms. If you show up with a shaved head they will know something is up. If you show up with a shaved head and shaved arms they can deny employment until you grow eiether of them back. They can take hair from your legs. You will test positive if you have smoked within the last 30-45 days. Peace. Early
try wearing a wig made of real hair so when they take ur hair its not ur hair. lol if this looks real on ur head then its a good idea but if not then shave ur head and be like the barber fuked my haircut up so i shave my head cuz there morons at the place u went.