Please help


Active Member
you got spider mites mites buddy :(

If you have a magnifying glass try to use it under the leaf and ull see what i mean.

Try Gnatrol, or a neem oil solution. Make sure you spray the undersection of the leaves with this because thats where the eggs are laid. If using neem oil make sure you dont use too much and get your plants too oily.

Theres another cool thing you can do taken from another thread:

Tabacco Juice recipe

Take 3 strong ciggeretes soak them over night in water
Boil it for 2 to 3 miniutes, let it cool off and spray the plants 3 to 4 times a week. You can add safer soap if you like to the mixture.


Well-Known Member
yep spider mites u dont need a microscope to see either u can see with naked eye and id smash as much spiders and eggs with your fingers then spray thats what i do and i got rrid of an infestation in 2 days, cut allbadly infested leaves off


Active Member
Yea, I figured....I saw them too.

But I used 'Doktor Doom' about a week ago---killed most of the bastards. (or so I thought)

Seen a few here and there, but the leaf damage is relatively new, and the severity doesn't seem to in keeping with the scant amounts I'm seeing.

Frackin spider mites!