Please help ! Yellow leaves 3rd week of flower ...


New Member
Most of my garden has yellowing of leaves from some of the top colas to some of the bottom leaves and middle of plant .. idk what is wrong with them . I am growing outdoor in northern califorina . They are in 3rd week of flowering going to 4th week . They look to be a nitrogen def and potassium def but i am not sure what deficency they have .. Please help . Thank you in advance !20180902_170304.jpg 20180902_170311.jpg



Well-Known Member
Tips have burn, you feed her like crazy right?

Back off the feed pedal, overfeeding has been ground into our culture by nute companies, it causes all sorts of problems. Light feeding 1/4 to half strenghth will get you prettier plants, less problems and as good or better results


New Member
Tips have burn, you feed her like crazy right?

Back off the feed pedal, overfeeding has been ground into our culture by nute companies, it causes all sorts of problems. Light feeding 1/4 to half strenghth will get you prettier plants, less problems and as good or better results

No not like crazy .. leaves yellowed last week before i made this post . I flushed the pots the following day with clearex and i am still seeing some yellowing of leaves . I am still wondering that flushing them should already have cleared up the nute burning by now if it is my nutes ..


Well-Known Member
What nutrients have you used this grow? What kind of feeding schedule have you been on? what strength? every other watering?


New Member
What nutrients have you used this grow? What kind of feeding schedule have you been on? what strength? every other watering?
Atm i am watering with a perfect PH .. feeding will occur every other day after watering . Example .... water , feed , water , light feed , water , water , feed , water , flush , let pot dry out , light feed and repeat ... i will update you tomorrow on the nutes i use


Well-Known Member
All the colors i see are normal. Some strains yellow more than others. Check out my grow, you can see the differences there.

As long as the buds keep swelling you are fine. You can give them a bit if N but you should be focusing on P and K and Cal mag right now.

You are almost there. Don't go mucking it up with a bunch of flushing and nutrient.


New Member
All the colors i see are normal. Some strains yellow more than others. Check out my grow, you can see the differences there.

As long as the buds keep swelling you are fine. You can give them a bit if N but you should be focusing on P and K and Cal mag right now.

You are almost there. Don't go mucking it up with a bunch of flushing and nutrient.
Thank you


New Member
OKAY I JUS FOUND OUT RIGHT NOW MY PLANTS ARE INFESTED WITH APHIDS !!! And that is why my leaves are yellowing so fast .... its not my nutes or any kind of deficiency because i just tested my soil for NPK and PH ...
What kind of insecticide can kill them ??