Please help with TINY bluestreak lowryder


Active Member
Hi, this is my first post. I am a complete newbie....I grew 2 very small lowryders (one was six inches and one was eight inches).

I am now attempting a few bluestreak lowryders, and a few snowryders. All of my plants are/were fairly healthy and produced, however they are all very very small.

The blueryders are 21 days old, and flowering, but less than 1 1/2 inch tall!!

They are comical. My friend said maybe it is the water (tap water) as you can see the chlorine build-up on the plants.

I would appreciate any help! There's got to be more! I have a 150w HPS in a little grow tent

The picture is of blueryder 21 days old, 2nd pic is with my thumb for size.

I also have a lowryder that looks good and is flowering and filling in at 5 weeks, but it is only 4 inches tall!

Why are my plants consistently so very tiny?




New Member
Use a smaller pot,the most 1gal..Use a light medium like coir,with perlite, and garden lime.Feed them a fast acting liquid fert.20/4 schedule.Only Water when the mix is dry.


Active Member
i wish someone had some advice, im having trouble with one of my auto ak's doing the same thing
Yeah, actually all of my 21 day old plants look like this. The picture is of the smallest, and looks to be about an inch tall.


Active Member
Use a smaller pot,the most 1gal..Use a light medium like coir,with perlite, and garden lime.Feed them a fast acting liquid fert.20/4 schedule.Only Water when the mix is dry.
Hey thanks for your reply. I just transplanted it into a bigger pot. My 6 inch lowryder was in a smaller 6" pot. I thought I'd try a bigger pot? I'm on 20/4 light. Fox Farm nutes ..maybe I need lime?

All of my plants are super small.


Active Member
I have two separate tents with two separate Sun System 150 watt HPS grow lights (bought them new for this experiment). The problem is with both tents--all plants.

Somehow I kept thinking it was the light too, though. My friend bought a 150w HPS off of craigslist and his seems brighter to me. His plants are normal height.

I have experimented a little with light distance. It has been at about 18 inches or so away from plants for a while

Could it be a power supply problem in my apartment? (girl question!)



Well-Known Member
thats you have your light too close, it looks like they arent stretching. and since you say your firneds looked brighter then yours, go get a new lightbulb for your 150w hps. maybe that will solve the problem.


Active Member
light hieght? temps?
I have two separate tents. The lights and bulbs are both new (2 separate 150 HPS)

One tent the light is about 13 inches above the plants. One the light is about 18 inches above the plants.

I put fans in the tents about 2 weeks ago. The temp with the thermometer under the light is anywhere from 75-90 degrees

thanks everyone for the help!


Active Member
thats you have your light too close, it looks like they arent stretching. and since you say your firneds looked brighter then yours, go get a new lightbulb for your 150w hps. maybe that will solve the problem.
Yeah, the strange part is that it is with two new lights (new bulbs). I have tried different light heights and leave the light for a week or more in between small changes. Still small!!l


Well-Known Member
Is there air circulation? pH of water n soil? more accurate temps? make of tenr? water schedule? confirm light cycle? ballast make n wattage?

something in ure plants enviroment is drasticly wrong.


Active Member
Is there air circulation? pH of water n soil? more accurate temps? make of tenr? water schedule? confirm light cycle? ballast make n wattage?

something in ure plants enviroment is drasticly wrong.
I have Root Organic soil. I got a grow tent from the Hydro store in my neighborhood...I'll take a pic in a minute and post of my setup.

My watering schedule is irregular at best. The little 22 day old plants I have only watered a 3 or 4 times. My lights are 150 watt HPS Sunsystem Grow Lights. New.

I was using tap water, and did not check the PH of that. I switched to bottled spring water 2 days ago out of desperation.

I'll take some pics of the set up.

Thanks much!!


Active Member
My little plants look as though they are not going to get much taller...Is this possible to have a2 inch lowryder plant/bud. My other seedlings seem to be growing more slowly than the first two plants I have. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Is that tent left open or do you close it cos it appears as if you have no ventilation. Temps would get to 90-100 in that tent when the door is closed in betting.

Also only 3-4 times in 22 days? How much are you watering? Those pots would be very dry after a week of no water. Maybe its just cos the plants arnt taking up the water.