Please help with some strain suggestions for wife in pain


Active Member
I humbly come to this forum in search of some answers for my wife that has been in pain for over a year. She has been through about every test possible trying to find out what is wrong with her stomach. They couldn't find anything wrong through the test, then came drug after drug trying to find out if any might work. We have narrowed it down to severe muscle spasms due to some pretty bad stress that happened a little over a year ago. For the longest time we didn't think that it could be due to stress, come to find out she was prescribed xanax and it worked great.

We are avid tokers for years now, and what she smokes now are just basic mids and doesn't really help her with the pain as much as she needs. She is very scared of taking xanax long term because of the obvious side effects, and just the simple fact that she knows there are strains of medical marijuana that are safe and can accomplish the same thing. I am a strong believer in medical marijuana and want to find a strain that maybe has worked for others with this type of problem or someone who is just more knowledgeable then me in the different types of strains out there.

I don't live in a medical state, so I can't go out to the dispensary to get the advice I need. Thank you all for your help, I have been on this forum awhile and have been blessed to learn many things about marijuana on this site!


Active Member
Lots of CBD is beneficial for those with anxiety. Look into Cannatonic. You need to pop more than one bean though because only a few in a pack will be high CBD.