please help with clones. pics

Reefer Rick

Well-Known Member
This is a clone from,i believe to be a skunk strain .I have kush clones as well.They all have had the same conditions but this girl an her twins have been showing these sign on the leaves since vegging under a 400 mh. they otherwise seem healthy.
I've looked around and seems it could be several things .
I need to pinpiont this to get rid of this before it gets worse.
Any input appreciated

the last pic was when it was vegging they are now on 12/12 for a week


Reefer Rick

Well-Known Member
you can see it better on the second pic.the fan leaf on the right .they are showing these signs all over.
half the leaf is light green and other parts normal dark green.not new growth its on the same leaves.


Well-Known Member
IMO...U may have watered and gotten nutrient water on the leaf and it burned it a little..Ive done it before no biggie

Reefer Rick

Well-Known Member
IMO...U may have watered and gotten nutrient water on the leaf and it burned it a little..Ive done it before no biggie
I have been feeding very lightly and no foliar feeding.I have two strains in the same room and only this strain is showing these signs. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
It could be a dramatic change from your lights on and off is what ive seen before are your temps fairly consistent.


Well-Known Member
either not enough nitrogen or could be potssium toxicity is what i thik it is man haha thats down to 2 hope it helps

Closet Cultivator

Active Member
i have some odd spotting in the middle of some leaves too. however they re brown, not yellow. i think it nute burn. what are you giving your plants?