Please help.. Whats wrong with my leaf's????


Active Member
not sure why but on most of my bigger plants there getting 1 or 2 leafs with these weird brownish spots on them im stumped (being its my first grow) please any assistance would be greatly appreciated



Active Member
I'm using the flora series since I heard it was an easy system ...I found a feeding sched. On a forum that the point I'm at using 1tsp of each micro/bloom/grow per gallon and increasing or decreasing as you go ..don't have it in front of me... Driving to work right now lol am I over nuting??


Active Member
Looks like burn to me. I'd do a flush on your next feed and it should take care of it.
So basically I over nuted?? I mean this was the first time I introduced the feed schedule I used could it just be almost a nute shock that they would just get use too or would I eventually kill my babies


Well-Known Member
If you do flush, use a light micro element flush (something with Zinc, Iron, Mg, Ca, etc). How is the new growth of the plants? If this is still okay then don't stress too much. Plants often use fan leaves that are not directly needed to leach unwanted materials from the plant. i.e most plants will have a natural loss of leaves anyway.


Active Member
Well the thing that confuses me about this situation is I have 1 plant that has grown much quicker then the others its roughly 1ft 3 inchs and the other ones are like 10-11 inchs and its really only the biggest one that seems to be effected that's why I wasn't leaning towards an over nute because none of the other plants showed any signs of a burn...anddddddd not to sound like a complete noob...but how do u do a flush lol... I use 5 gallon smart pots. Not sure if theyed drain as efficiantly as a regular pot with holes on the btm


Active Member
If the others are growing slower, they're using nutes slower and probably have smaller root systems that haven't accessed the whole area that the nutes are being added to, which means they might get a delayed reaction. Flushing is just throwing lots of water at it to get the salts to flush away, some people use 1 1/2 times the water they usually would, some use up to 5x the volume of the pot. No matter how you do it, you want to see run-off from that water and quite a lot of it.

Also, cut back on your feeding, my advice is to start with like 1/4 dosage applied every second watering and slowly increase through the plant's life.


Well-Known Member
Just water with water only to flush. Personally I wouldn't do a mass flush at this stage, just a light micro nutrient wash. As I said, if your new growth is okay, stop stressing and let it do it's thing.


Active Member
Ok going to take both ur advice ill lessen the nute introduction to the plants and I just did a basic watering Monday evening so. Not gonna really stress it unless it gets worse but I'm hoping it doesn't ... My other question is it normal for a plant @4 weeks to only be around a foot?? I meann there def quite fat and short with about 4 layers of vedge


Active Member
Plants double to triple their size during flowering strain and nute dependant, if you're in veg right now then by the time you're through your plant could be up to 3 feet tall. Doubt it'd go that far but it will grow.


Active Member
And tomorrow (Thursday) would make 1 week in the smart pots transplanted them about a week ago couuld transplant shock last this long it still getting use to its new home?


Active Member
How long should I leave it in veg.. something that's confused me...should I wait for it to reach a hight or just wait til I'm close to a specific week... Like I said 4 weeks right now ... When should I go to 12/12?


Active Member
I'd say a month minimum but as long as your light is consistently around 18 hours or above she can stay vegging for a looong time and the more you do the more she'll yield. 3 month veggers usually get massive yields

Also yes, transplant shock can last a week, not much more though most people would say


Active Member
Ok... See this all seems to be my biggest issue is timing I know what to do I just don't know when to y,know I was aiming for the middle of next month to harvest so when we be the best time to start flowering?


Active Member
How long does your strain take, flowering time wise? Either way I'd knock it into 12/12 in the coming weeks, but just how many weeks depends on the strain.
Also take into account that a heady high will take less time than a stoney, body high. So decide which you want now and plan accordingly


Active Member
well this is yet again anouth of the issues ...being its my first grow I didn't wanna spend money on seeds while I was learning and possibly not doing it right so there just a nice fluffy middies no special strain just some seeds I had laying around lol trust me I'm doing a hundred times better then expected I got some big bud -white widow blend coming in the mail andddd another thing is I'm not too sure what a heady/stoned high is I actually don't smoke I'm growing for my wife I get random drug tests at work ....good ole state jobs ... Sigh but when would u reccomend to flower? Like u said in the coming weeks?


Active Member
Yeah, most plants need 2 months or so to flower for indicas so i really doubt you'll be done by the middle of next month, sorry to break it to you. But at the very least in 2 months time you can cut away a great portion of any reliance you may have on shady dealers who overcharge.

A heady high will get her giggling and really gives a great buzz, i find it awesome, and that's what I'm aiming for this grow
Being stoned is more like the couchlock over-relaxed "I can't get off the sofa right now so that gas leak is just gonna have to carry on until I'm good and ready, now where's my lighter?!" high

Sometimes being stoned is great fun, but if your wife has shit to do or doesn't enjoy the kind of stuck-to-one-spot experience then I'd harvest quite early


Active Member
Geez I had no idea it took that long to flower smh... Welll then lol so a week and a half or so more veg then swith to 12/12 for a month and a half- 2 months?


Active Member
A month and a half may be a little optimistic with bagseed, some strains really are 6weekers (like my current berry bomb grow) but I expect yours will be more like 8-9 weeks. If you just put off your plan to harvest for another month then you'll get some prime product just by giving it a week or two longer to veg and then whacking it into flowering. If you're lucky it'll be ready early but with bagseed it's hard to estimate.

Judging by size and how bushy they are they're definitely indica dominant so I HIGHLY doubt you've got some sativa 12-weekers in your garden. I'd say 9 weeks maximum, early harvest for cerebral highs and later into the 9 weeks for couchlock. At 1 foot though, you can knock em into 12/12 right now if you really wanted.

In future, for better yields and relatively fast veg times, you may want to try scrogging, acessability becomes hard but you get a decent amount off it and all the buds on that canopy turn out prime