Please help. What's happening? Pics included

just for the record,,I am in NO WAY associated with that site, I just use it as a tool for information in addition to being a member here, I am on my first grow as well and learning new things every day.

One thing I can suggest if you dont have any of the products mentioned in that article....go and get some of those sticky traps that are used for mice,,,they are usually pretty cheap and don't cost more than a couple them on top of your medium inside containers,,,for whatever reason they seem to be drawn to the color yellow.I dont know if it is true or not but I can tell you this,,the sticky traps Im using,,the one where I placed a piece of yellow colored plastic into the glue has more fungus gnats than the one without the yellow plastic. It Could be just a fluke though, but for a very cheap couple bucks it couldnt hurt to try because it works for me. I had a small fungus gnat problem a few weeks ago and I started using sticky traps and Diatomaceous Earth and it seems my problem has gone away.....BUT!!! Probably the most important thing I did to get rid of the fungus gnat problem was to learn to get better at not OVER-WATERING....that has helped alot too
I have grown in the past never on my own . my father used to run the show and I was just the helper . He passed away back in March, so my last grow I was on my own . I ended up with 5 oz dried from 2 plants under cfl's and a 400w hps . There are some pics and stuff from my last grow in my info I think .
Honestly, if it weren't for some of the guys on this site , I doubt I would've made it to harvest . Thank you to everybody who had helped me before , helping me now , and without a doubt, to the guys who are probably gonna be helping me in the future lol .
I had a fungus gnat problem just make sure to let your pots DRY OUT on top 2 inches of soil before watering also only water around the base of the plant not the whole pot and I sprinkled Diatomaceous Earth on the top mixed it in a bit with the first inch of soil then sprinkled more to make a fine white layer. All dead within 2 weeks.
Ok , so I definitely noticed a couple of those gnats running around in the soil once I very lightly moved around some of the soil in the pots to aid in drying them out quicker. OK so Now, with knowing that the gnats are a problem . . Do the plants still seem like they need some calcium or mag.? Or does this just seem to be those gnats causing all of the issues? Or both . ? I do |n on getting myself a pH pen and TDS meter so then I can ph the water.
if you "notice a couple of those gnats"...then that ain't shit. the problem with gnats is that the larvae eat your roots, but it takes a bad infestation for there to be anywhere near that many larvae. the best thing for gnats is to make sure the top two inches of soil or coco or w/e in your pots dries out before you water again. if you already have them, get the yellow sticky traps and hang one just over your canopy somewhere it won't cast a huge shadow and look at it daily to see whats sticking to it.
theres a product called mosquito bits, or mosquito dunks, both the same thing, but the dunks are in big cakes you can crumble up. it has a bacteria in it thats harmless to people, but kills mosquito larvae (and fly/gnat larvae). if you sprinkle the stuff across the top of your pots and water through it, it will kill larvae and really cut back on how many you see.
get those meters, they're really important, you don't really know what you're putting in your pots till you have them.