Please help what am I missing DWC

what's up guys I'm completely lost right now and I don't know what I'm missing 17 days from seed
Ppms are all around 260ppm using 3 part GH
Roots are white
Water temp is 69
Rh is 43
Tent temp 74
Using tap water ppm of 84
600 watt mh

Only thing I am not using is calmag

Only thing I can think of is need some calmag cause my water is so soft

Also they are autoflowers
On the GH 3 part I'm running 2-2-2
To a gallon so nute ppm is around 180ppm



Well-Known Member
They look relatively fine. A tiny bit yellow. Depending on your water pH. There -could- be a slight nitrogen lockout. Or she just needs a bit more of it. I'm newish myself. So don't take my word for it as to what the problem is. I'm just trying to help locate what's up.

I've never grown with DWC. but, from what I've read. pH swings and issues with root rot seem to be the two biggest problems. If your roots are white. And not smelly. It's not rot.

The other thing could be temp fluctuations between day and night cycles.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to ask. How's the air flow? Are they getting a good supply of fresh air? Because they'll slow right down without ample supply of CO2.


Well-Known Member
Well the refresh rate is fine.

It could be the low ppm of the water. Or maybe even pH above or below pH5.8 causing issues.
Once again. Don't quote me. I'm no hydro grower. I like soil organics because it's easy to work with.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could help you further. But I don't think I can.

The ppm levels as far as I'm aware. Are used to register the solids in the water. Usually mineral content... I think.

I don't monitor any of that now. Mine gets regular ol rain water and worm bin run off. I do know I get issues when I use the town tap water too much. But, ours is relatively hard water. We get a lot of limescale.

The only thing I can suggest is maybe trying a weak solution of cal-mag and seeing if it does anything. If they improve. That's what they wanted. If they get worse. It's not cal mag.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen deficient. May be due to ph. Plants that young let ph swing 6.0 to 6.5. If ph is fine just feed a lil more.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could help you further. But I don't think I can.

The ppm levels as far as I'm aware. Are used to register the solids in the water. Usually mineral content... I think.

I don't monitor any of that now. Mine gets regular ol rain water and worm bin run off. I do know I get issues when I use the town tap water too much. But, ours is relatively hard water. We get a lot of limescale.

The only thing I can suggest is maybe trying a weak solution of cal-mag and seeing if it does anything. If they improve. That's what they wanted. If they get worse. It's not cal mag.
Cal deficiency starts with interveinal chlorosis. Mag gets what look like rust spots.


Well-Known Member
PPM too low
I use EC so forgive my lack of knowledge on PPM but looking at charts for my feeds in all 3 variations of PPM that's way low. With soft water you want a higher feed too.
Edit, do you know the EC?
Edit2, after a glance at GH feeding schedule it looks like you should be at 350-400 for seedlings and considerably higher (more than double) for early veg.
Someone point out my error if I'm wrong. As I say I measure in EC and don't use GH nutes.
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Underground Scientist

Well-Known Member
what's up guys I'm completely lost right now and I don't know what I'm missing 17 days from seed
Ppms are all around 260ppm using 3 part GH
Roots are white
Water temp is 69
Rh is 43
Tent temp 74
Using tap water ppm of 84
600 watt mh

Only thing I am not using is calmag

Only thing I can think of is need some calmag cause my water is so soft

Also they are autoflowers
On the GH 3 part I'm running 2-2-2
To a gallon so nute ppm is around 180ppm
You didn't say the PH, but when I had mildly pale seedlings, they were a bit hungry. They grew up fairly well though, I wouldn't freak out. They'll start popping before you know it.


Well-Known Member
You need to bump the nute ppm up to 300. They're just hungry. Your nutes have enough Ca and Mg for now and I grew 30+ tubs of plants in DWC before ever buying CalMag and use very little of that now. I also always use RO water so it was totally devoid of any minerals.

Generally the pH tends to rise as the water level goes down so when I topped up every 3 days I'd test pH and ppm after I filled to the proper level then use a syringe to measure out small amounts of nutes to get the ppm back to the target level. As the plants got bigger I'd just set my target at a higher level and hit that. pH would usually be around 6.2 so I'd put 5 or 6 drops of conc. sulfuric acid in and it would go down to maybe 5.2 then creep up again. I don't do a complete nute change until the stretch is done and set my ppm about 2/3 of what I had it going into the stretch as they stop feeding so heavily right after the stretch is ove about 3 weeks after the flip. When I was getting ready to flip I'd add extra bloom nutes with the regular dose and a half dose of Big Bud about a week before flipping and have pistils popping out within a few days of the flip.

You should use less of the Bloom in your mix while the plants are vegging. The general ratio to use 3 - part nutes like that in hydro is 3-2-1, G-M-B then reverse the ratio after the stretch is over dropping the Grow after week 5 or 6 and feeding like the Lucas formula with a ratio of 1-2. M-B.

I've been using AN for 16 years and the pH Perfect stuff for a few years now and it sure is easy compared to the earlier nutes. Rhino Skin and Big Bud are the other two AN products I use regularly. Any old CalMag will do tho I like it with added iron. I'll crush up a couple of zinc tabs and toss them in there too. Something with extra sulfur in the last few weeks of flower after stopping the Big Bud helps with resin production as well. I've been using OverDrive but not impressed so won't be buying more. Same with the Bud Ignitor tho I've only used it in plants in pots and not in DWC.



Well-Known Member
PH out of range. Pale/ yellowing, twisting leaves. Also low EC, but that's not nearly as much as an issue.

Get your EC to around 0.7 and PH around 5.8.

If you don't have some way of checking PH, get something. It'll make or break hydro more than anything else.