Please help - weak stem problem!

My 2 plant of blue mystic feminized(nirvana) have 7 days they are in soil in rockwool. Lighting 125w/dual. 16/8 light. They have first floor.. And lying on the ground but the leaves are erect to light. Where is the problem? I blow with small pc fan.


Well-Known Member
weak stems, give them support and light up to 18/6. how close is your cfl? you should have it as close to the tops as you can get without burning them. use the back of your hand as a guide ;) a picture would have said 1000 words ;)

Edit: welcome to rollitup ;)
i send photo tomorrow ;-) i give light closer cca 10cm to babies a blowing fan on the top of flower pot
thanks for info i see some forums about this and i see very often - blowing on flowers will solidifies stems.... sorry for english i am only learning it :peace:


Well-Known Member
too much fan will cause plants to over transpirate and lose growth production, but a little bit of fan will allow your babies to harden off and be able to handle more fan. An oscillating fan will also help you get your plants closer to the bulbs and allow more light penetration because the foliage is being moved around and light can hit the bottom leaves too (especially florescent)
too much fan will cause plants to over transpirate and lose growth production, but a little bit of fan will allow your babies to harden off and be able to handle more fan. An oscillating fan will also help you get your plants closer to the bulbs and allow more light penetration because the foliage is being moved around and light can hit the bottom leaves too (especially florescent)
now i give fan to one of flower pot on 2 days and after do it same in second pot... i will send tommorow some photos and you can check it ;)