please help!! urgent response appreciated


Well-Known Member
alright, I posted last night about my plant that looked over watered and oxygen starved. It was suggested that I transplant into a better soil mix with 20% perlite, 80% potting soil.

I bought the perlite today, and got home and discovered that she's been drooping FAST over the past 18 hours. I transplanted immediately, into a 15L container.

My question is, since this was probably an overwatering/oxygen issue, should I water it right away, or let it sit in the new soil for a while first? I'm worried that she will die if she is not saved tonight!

thanks in advance for everyone's help


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
YES, you should water.... keep used. post.. I know it is sad and stressful to see your beloved plant like that. I am really sorry... I do think she will recover...

keep us post


Sweet Mattness

Active Member
I agree with garden knomn. Depending on the strain it could come back very qyuickly. Lightly water the outside area when you transplant. You don't need to water the root ball directly as you said you may have overwatered. Just give it some extra love and may the weed gods take mercy on your plants.


Well-Known Member
she doesnt look too bad. still nice and green just a little sad right now. shower her with love and she will perk right back up for ya. good luck with it.