Please help these ladies


Active Member
I seem to have a couple of different problems with a couple of my ladies. This is my first grow and I have read as much as I could before doing this grow and I feel it has done okay until this point.

First one is my NYC Diesel. All of its new growth is a lime green but the rest of the plant looks great

Second is my White Rhino. It has huge fan leaves bigger than my hand and the leaves that are huge on the bottom to middle of the plant feel very dry and break easily.

Third is my second White Rhino. A few of the lower leaves have the tips of the leaves brown

Light Cycle: 18-6 1000w HPS
Water: As needed 2 to 3 times per week
Nutrients: Every other watering, Fox Farm grow big, Fox Farm big bloom...normal feeding labeled on bottle
Grow Area: 5ft wide by 5ft length by 6ft tall
Pot Size: 3gal
Temperature: 80-85 during light cycle 65-75 and night cycle
Humidity: 10% average. Just put water in saucer to add the last few 30%
Ventilation: Fan on them 24hrs
Soil: Fox farm ocean forest mixed 50/50 with Roots Organic 707

I got these plants all as clones 6 total....1 NYC diesel, 1 northern lights haze, 2 white rhyno, 1 cheese, 1 ?

During the beginning I had these ladies under a 200 watt cfl for 24hrs a day until i had the time and money to upgrade my system. Once I made the switch I had to leave town for 2 days and my father stepped in to take care of them. I didn't have a timer at the time so he went out to get one so he would mess up the lighting schedule that i told him should be 18\6. He set it up but did 16\8, just a small mistake on his part, he didn't mean to. I immediately switched it to the 18\6 and the plants have been looking great. They still look great but have a few small problems. I thought that I had seen what I think are pistils on 3 of the girls about a week after the lighting mix up which I suspected put them into pre flower but I was not ready to flower so I have kept the 18\6 light schedule. During the whole time they have all been treated exactly the same as each other...same water...same feedings....same lights...same everything. And lastly I do not own a ph meter and I have well water. A friend brought his over and we checked the water and decided 30 drops of ph down was what i needed per gallon to get my ph in range. He has taken it home and I have been doing that for my water since.

So what I ask is what do you guys think of the ladies in general and what should I do to address the problems of the ladies.



Po boy

Well-Known Member
are you letting the soil to dry out to knuckle deep before watering? i don't know you environment but watering 2-3 times weekly seems like over kill with no oxygen getting to the roots because of soil being too wet. good luck