Please help! Sprouting/Drooping problem!


Active Member
Thus far I have:
1. I germinated my seeds in paper towel. All that went well and they germinated within 24 hours.

2. I used one of those Jiffy Greenhouses(36) which includec peat pellets. I added the germinated seeds and that went well.

3. I put the cover over the Greenhouse and let them do their thing. They all sprouted. Yes all 36 sprouted.

4. I watered them as they stood tall and firm. All of them growing toward my GE Plant Bulb 50Watt.

5. After 5 days they really began to grow. Each one of my sprouts are atleast 3 inches with 2 to four leaves on each sprout.

6. On the 6th day I noticed all 36 of them began to burst out of the peat pellets. Some burst on the side with a hooked root and some burst straight to the bottom of the peat pellets. After noticing this I transplanted them. I let them stay in the peat pellets and bought some peat pots and used the Jiffy starter seed soil mix inconjunction with the peat pots. I filled the peat pots half way with soil and then I sat the seedling/peat pellet into the center of the soil of each peat pot and surrounded the entire peat peat pellet with soil. I figured this way it would not shock the plant during it's transplanting.

7. The plants transplanted welland all of them were pointing toward the light. I went away for a day and asked my gf to water them. When I returned I noticed that ALL of my plants had fell. I don't know if it was due to her over wartering or what. I then investigated the area. I also noticed she left the window open and the temp/humidity was off for a guess of 18 hours.

8. The seedlings look good and healthy, but they aren't standing up anymore.

Are they dead? Should I start over? I noticed their stretching.....Could that be a problem? This is my first grow and I was excited to see them progress so much until now.

My plan is to take tooth picks and thread to help them stand. in the peat pots.....or will this be a waste of time?


Active Member
Thus far I have:
1. I germinated my seeds in paper towel. All that went well and they germinated within 24 hours.

2. I used one of those Jiffy Greenhouses(36) which includec peat pellets. I added the germinated seeds and that went well.

3. I put the cover over the Greenhouse and let them do their thing. They all sprouted. Yes all 36 sprouted.

4. I watered them as they stood tall and firm. All of them growing toward my GE Plant Bulb 50Watt.

5. After 5 days they really began to grow. Each one of my sprouts are atleast 3 inches with 2 to four leaves on each sprout.

6. On the 6th day I noticed all 36 of them began to burst out of the peat pellets. Some burst on the side with a hooked root and some burst straight to the bottom of the peat pellets. After noticing this I transplanted them. I let them stay in the peat pellets and bought some peat pots and used the Jiffy starter seed soil mix inconjunction with the peat pots. I filled the peat pots half way with soil and then I sat the seedling/peat pellet into the center of the soil of each peat pot and surrounded the entire peat peat pellet with soil. I figured this way it would not shock the plant during it's transplanting.

7. The plants transplanted welland all of them were pointing toward the light. I went away for a day and asked my gf to water them. When I returned I noticed that ALL of my plants had fell. I don't know if it was due to her over wartering or what. I then investigated the area. I also noticed she left the window open and the temp/humidity was off for a guess of 18 hours.

8. The seedlings look good and healthy, but they aren't standing up anymore.

Are they dead? Should I start over? I noticed their stretching.....Could that be a problem? This is my first grow and I was excited to see them progress so much until now.

My plan is to take tooth picks and thread to help them stand. in the peat pots.....or will this be a waste of time?
What light are you using? If it's just the ge 50 watt plant light you need a lot more. Sounds like they stretched and fell over.

Get more light.


you need much more light for the plants.
you may bury the plants in dirt to their first set of leaves and save them.


Well-Known Member
Plants can look goofy for a few days after transplant. That's OK and normal! If it doesnt improve, we need to work on it. More light for sure for 36 plants is going to help. Suggesting a 96w 4-bulb T5 flouro, any hydro store will carry em for about $100-$150. That'll make em love life!


Well-Known Member
Did they fall over completely? Maybe your gf waited too long to water and they dried out a little too much? If not, then they stretched, but it seems awful strange that every single one fell over at the same time. Hmm....

All you can really do is add more light, then prop them up somehow, with a stick opr something, and maybe add some more soil and bury an inch of the stem(maybe a little more) to help them stand on their own, and recover.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for all the quick replies.

Not sure what's going on, but a few of the plants are beginning to stand up again. I hope they last. As for more light...What do you guys suggest? I can pick up another 50Watt bulb and lamp for right now. I didn't want to go with high powered lamps just yet because I figured the heat would damage my young sprouts.

I wanted to keep them under low lamps until they get a bit more strength in the stems and more leaves. I didn't want to break out the 400-600 Watts just yet, but if you guys think it's logical to go with high powered then I guess I will convert over early.
I'm having a similar problem with my seedlings except I'm growing them hydroponically. They shot up way too fast and as the new leaves came on they weren't able to support their own weight and fell over.

I inserted toothpicks into my rockwool cubes and losely tied them with string. On the advice of another grower, I also installed a small fan to blow over them. I guess the theory is that the breeze blowing over them will help develop stronger stems.

So far, so good. They don't seem to be getting any taller and more leaves are coming on.


Well-Known Member
You won't get even 5 plants to grow and flower properly under 50 watts. You will need at least 2 HID fixtures or a lot more flouro to grow that many plants indoors.

Much more light, and get light air blowing on the sprouts to strengthen their stems and promote air exchange, and increase air apropriately with plant size.


Active Member
@Monkey. I understand I will need more light, but my plants are not that big yet. I purchased 3 more lamps and 3 more bulbs so that I would have light evenly over all my plants. I lost two plants due to my problem, but the others are slowly perking/pointing back up. One has even started growing another set of leaves. I am trying to be gentle with them given my drooping problem. Once all of them rise, I am going to buy ballast/bulbs, but for the next 2 weeks or until they get stronger I want to nurture them slow. In a few, I am going out to purchase a fan to blow air on them. Not adding anymore light until the seedings are stronger. 50 watts in 4 corners will have to be enough for my seedlings for now. :weed:


Well-Known Member
@Monkey. I understand I will need more light, but my plants are not that big yet. I purchased 3 more lamps and 3 more bulbs so that I would have light evenly over all my plants. I lost two plants due to my problem, but the others are slowly perking/pointing back up. One has even started growing another set of leaves. I am trying to be gentle with them given my drooping problem. Once all of them rise, I am going to buy ballast/bulbs, but for the next 2 weeks or until they get stronger I want to nurture them slow. In a few, I am going out to purchase a fan to blow air on them. Not adding anymore light until the seedings are stronger. 50 watts in 4 corners will have to be enough for my seedlings for now. :weed:
Alright well right on man. That's a good strategy. Hope everything works out. Air circulation is key!