Please help +REP

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Ok I have little brown spots on the ops of my fan leaves, The leaves affected are the ones at the top of the canopy, the underside of the fan leaves are not affected any idea what this could be? and why its only the fan leaves on the top of the canopy and not the others? + REP 2 all!! Thanks

I am in my 3rd week of flowering.



New Member

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
whats the distance to the light ... had the same on one of mine .. it was too close. thus moved the light up 2 inches and that was it, the leaf did end up dying
About 6 inches from the main colas, I have an air cooled hood, so could it still be the problem? Thanks Bali!


Well-Known Member
If you mist the plant do it 10 to 15 min. Before lights go off or your leafs will burn from the droplets actting as a magnifying glass or it could be a
nute deficientcy check your ph levels make sure those are 6.5-7 for soil and 6-6.5 for hydro

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
If you mist the plant do it 10 to 15 min. Before lights go off or your leafs will burn from the droplets actting as a magnifying glass or it could be a
nute deficientcy check your ph levels make sure those are 6.5-7 for soil and 6-6.5 for hydro
Thanks I don't mist ever, my ph is is 6.6 and I have not seen a deficiency that cause just the top side of the fan leaves to spot just near the canopy, Thanks for trying to help.

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
It's the light if you see spots. Need to move it up 2 inches air cooled or not. That's just my opinion but you can do whatever you want.
Ok thanks Bud Will do!! I am just curious so I have Just a few questions if you dont mind, is it burning the leaf? how come its not affecting the underside of the fan leaf ? Do you think it could be a mold of any type? Thanks again!

+REP to all

:peace:Secret Jardin.


no not mold.. i think its still the lights ,, move them up a couple of inches, the leaves will fall off but as long as the next ones dont... you good


Well-Known Member
With my plants heat from the lights causes the leaves to twist and become gnarled, the plant also gets stunted. Heat can still burn leaves, but spots can appear for many reasons. If it's not your ph (mines between 5.5- 6.0.), than it's prob a nute prob. If it gets worse you can always flush with ph'd water and start over with fresh nutes. Good luck.


New Member

reposting the guide for those who did not look at it before jumping the gun.

if you read the guide i posted you will see the first pic is of heat stress(lights to close).
having the lights too close burns the leafs at the tips and edges and does NOT show any sign of spots on the main part of the leaf as light burn(heat stress) only burns the tips and edges of the leafs and is easy to detect........................................bongsmilie.



Well-Known Member
You always ph your water/feed correctly, right?

If its not ph fluctuation (without pics) it sounds like these guys are correct, and it also sounds like you should be fine now that they got moved up.

If not, let us know, we will all figured this shit out! :-)
