Please help!! problems in CoCo !


i've re-read this thread, and well..... i saw very few references to you allowing for run-off, except when talking about flushing. there is only one way to get the high ppm's you were talking about, and that's from a lack of run-off, period. you don't flush coco, this isn't soil. tap water is usable, but why use it, lol??? all of the ppm in the tap water is just that much nutrient solution you can't use from the bottle. and cal-mag, lol. i don't get why you're using it. you're in coco specific nutes, you don't need it. you're in coco specific nutes, you don't need it. i also remember you talking about it being cold. i'll assume you are making sure your lights off temps. are within range. having your containers on cold floor/cement, can really cool the root-zone, not good. coco basics; ph to 5.8. "always," allow for a good 10-15% run-off at every feed. don't flush until the end, and don't use plain water. don't use high feed ppm's, it's coco not soil. fresh air/airflow important.
Oh im sorry I normally water till 10℅ run off and my pH is always 5.8. I know I'm growing in coco but I use house n garden which I'm switching cuz I'm not to sure they know what there doing..and calmag? Yea I defiantly have needed it from day 1 I had mag def since they popped out of the coco. The only mag in house n gardens coco line that I see is .8% and its only in cocos B, I used RO water at 0ppm I've always read that calmag is needed with RO especially cuz I was battling mag def since they popped like I said earlier. Then I added the GH calmag and it fixed it pretty much instantly then I ran out n switched to calmag plus with iron then all this happened but my light was also to close and that's defiantly why the sugar leaves look like they do. Its just all so confusing :/


Well-Known Member
My water forces me to use cal mag, then epsom once flipped. I have to use very little to start with but then 1ml per l once flipped.

I use Canna Coco nutes. Always need calmag.


Yea my meters are fine I presume cuz its reads my 0 ppm at 0 I don't have any ppm calibration stuff left tho but I just did it a month ago and only used it twice till now so it should be fine its the primo 2 brand new. But hmm that's strange u didn't need calmag maybe its ur strains? Cuz I definatly have needed it from day 1 and it did its job very well but calmag plus has more cal then GHs calmag so it might be building up n locking out others?

So your saying once u change to 12/12 u should only use epsom salt only? What kind(if it matters)? Or just use 1-2 ml calmag? I've been using 5ml calmag with no issues until this light burn which I thought was nute lockout cuz I've had no other noticeable leaf problems except the light burn but my ppms are so high last one I could read was like 1800!!? So why are the plants not showing signs of nute lockout? I moved the light up and dimmed it to 750 and the light burn stopped so I know it was that and after I flushed them a little the next day all the bottom growth looked hungry and some mag def and P def have popped up very early stages but still there on page 4 at the bottom I posted a pic of some of the discoloring I'm seeing but that's really it cuz during flower don't the plants naturally start loosing leaves on the bottom where there's no light or am I stupid?


Any suggestions? Probly gonna drop the calmag for the rest of flower. His much Epsom salt should I use with myRO water? I know I need it and is there anything to look out for when buying Epsom salt? I have rexalls magnesium sulfate Epsom salt is this fine?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
why are you changing one thing that doesn't work for another? e.s. is just half of cal mag. you're jumping around from one fix to the next, and not allowing enough time in between to see if the fix's work. have patience...


? Because the problem that I initially thought was happening wasn't lockout it was light burn I've feed full strength nutes twice since then and they have only gotten better... after i figured out my problem I was then just asking questions on why anyone thought my ppms could have been so high even tho my plants aren't locked out... I'm assuming its cause I use drip clean and have read other forums with ppl using drip clean and getting outrageous ppm run offs even tho there plants are perfect, I was now just asking how to use Epsom salt and what kind is safe. When did I change one thing that didn't work for another? We initially thought it was nutrient lockout which it wasn't so I stopped flushing and switched back to my normal regime now I'm simple trying to get answers on how to dial it in better with Epsom salt and other reccomendations ect....I haven't even been TRYING multiple things I've been ASKING multiple questions on what to do and get no responses... this forum used to have way more activity back in the day I feel like...