Please Help: problem with my white widow


Hello everyone

please look to the picture.its a white widow was so good from a week and now look like the picture


what to do to bring it alive again ?

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Jus water till it comes back I would say the gradually start putting nutrients in till your to the correct dose or till the plant has negative side effects


Active Member
Doesn't look happy.. what medium are you using? How often do you water? Bugs love weak plants...we need more info or we can't help you!


Well-Known Member
pretty negative already...jus sayin..
Well ya the plant looks like it on its last limb but I was jus saying being it back to being healthy by watering with water only as needed! And once it's healthy enough start with light nutrients till your to the amount said to use or personal preference. But if before that it has negative side effect the step before is where you wanna be for a while till it can handle more ya know?