please help powdery mildew is taking over


ive been battling powdery mildew for a while and now im in 5th week flowering and theres powdery mildew all over almost getting to the buds!!!! what can i do to stop it without killing my buds???? hellp!!!

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
well 5 weeks in you can use neem oil and natural stuff like that/ Neem oil is fine as long as you rinse it off before harvest. I read that by lowering your humidity and strengthening your light will slow it. Do nut prune or pick any leaves off your buds as they can get infected thru there. Some molds are known for ruining a whole crop. I know one thing you better wash that whole room down with 20% bleach as those spores are forever just about. I am dealing with a few brown spots from 'plucking' the old dried or almost dried fan leaves I should write as that will cause an injury like an in grown hair and get infected thru there.
Pics help but you are at a point to use pythium to eradicate or neem oil if you can get a handle on it. If not all are effected you may want to get that neem oil and spray what is not affected yet. I have even heard of dunking them in a mild solution remember Neem oil is natural and can be applied as a topical ointment on skin---OK. Use 2 tbs to 32oz of h20 along with 2 tbs of some hand soap not detergent. Make up a bucket and dunk in the morning and if you can put them out to dry, obviously not soaken wet under brite lite. Prefer in the morn 30 minutes before the lights come on or sun comes up. soak it down with a sprayer like a pump one or dunk in a bucket if they are short enough. Everything you touch and use will be contaminated including your shirt and pants working with those spores. Good luck and I hope you get it handled


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend a light spraying with Serenade. It has worked wonders for me. It's a bacteria that eats mold and mildew, then dies off. It's smells a little weird when you spray, but the smell is gone in a few days. Personally, I'd be nervous about spraying with other things, because moisture on the buds might bring on mold/bud rot. If you're not seeing mildew on your buds, then I'd try to mainly spray leaves, and keep any spray on the buds very light (though it should be safe anyway, since the bacteria eats mold/bud rot too).

Also, like Cali said, try to get the humidity down as much as you can.

And, in the future, spraying with Serenade a little after you switch to 12/12 (a couple of weeks in) should stop this problem from happening again.


ive tried the serenade before and that has a horrible smell to it. i used it for awhile but the PM kept comming back. now my plants are like 4-6ft. i also used stylet oil but it doesnt seem like its working well.. ill take pix as soon as i can