Please help PLANTS DIEING !!!!


Well-Known Member
i have 9 chrystal from narvina and i think i got mold i know for a fact it isnt nute burn so please dont say it is because i tested the soil and there is barly any nutes in it im useing ffof in 5 gal buckets the plants vegged for 2 months now the tops of the leaves are being coverd in brown like mold wtf the bottem of the leaves dosent have it on them so could someone please tell me why the top would have mold and the bottem wouldnt?mold leaves 069.jpgmold leaves 050.jpgmold leaves 071.jpgmold leaves 055.jpgmold leaves 060.jpgmold leaves 066.jpgmold leaves 053.jpgmold leaves 062.jpgmold leaves 070.jpgmold leaves 067.jpg


Active Member
Pull off the effected leaves and put them in a plastic bags. Get them the hell out of your grow. Clean room with bleach. Molds and fungus spreads like crazy. Then spray you plants top and bottom with neem. Not only does it kill bugs but it is a fungicidal spray too. How is your ventilation in the grow area? Get a fan to get the air moving. Don't beat your plants up but its good if the leaves move some with the fan. Try this and keep me posted. Sorry I didn't get this sooner. I have been off line a few days.


Active Member
Otherwise, the only thing you can do is scrap them and start over. I would try the other first. It will take a few days before you notice a change. Repeat the process if you see more mold. Fungus and mold spread with tiny spores they release in the air. That is why it is important to clean everything and get the air moving in your grow. Only use the neem once a week. The neem will kill the spores on the plant and prevent it from spreading. Know that your leaves may curl but don't worry about that. After you get the ladies straightened out, only use the neem once every two weeks. Be sure to follow the mixing directions for the neem. Too much spraying of anything on the leaves can cause more problems.


Well-Known Member
ok my grow room is 84 degrees ph is 6.4 and humidity is 50% but it gets down to 45% thanks for the help. also i have 4 hawian breese fans and a 6 inch inline fan that cools my air cooled hood lighting is 1k hps just put them in flowering i think the mold grew on the dead part of the leaf but it was on the tops and not on the bottems. now im thinking maby i have k lock out from to much calicum in my water because i have verry hard water so i got some new water and im gonnna see if it gets better. the new leaves that grow out of the tops are comeing out with black dead tip does this help id the deffincey? im starting to think its not mold now i can see it better since im in flowering.


Well-Known Member
o and the mold looks brown all the new leaves and damn near dead cause the tips are comeing out almost black :( i hope to fuck my plants dont die ill post a new pic this fuckin sucks :(

george xxx

Active Member
Pictures suggest multiple problems. #7 has a couple spots that look like possible pest issues. #8 looks a lot like a plant that is starving and feeding on itself. After vegging 2 months the FF soil could be depleted of nutes. Playing with bloom foods can cause similar problems causing lower leaves to drop. When there is a question of nutes with no clear solution it is usually best to feed a balanced (20-20-20) organic plant food at 1/4 to 1/2 strength and forget the bloom food. Many Bloom foods are too high in P and lock out what little N the bloom food has. The balanced organic feeding helps correct nute deficiencies. Pictures sometimes tell lies because of lights. #10 what I see is fairly good upper growth against a fluro tube but the lower portion looks very dark? These are just things to consider they are not offered as any cut and dried solution to your problems. 6.4 ph? sure thats correct? 6.2 starts a variety of problems for soil. You get better uptake of nutes at 6.8 :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks man yea i addes some dolomite lime and gave a little nutes to see if it helped i adjusted my ph in my water up to 6.9 and also sprayed with some neem oil for bugs mold ect i feel confident that it will fix it has to be low nutes cause i tested the soil and i had low levels of p and k so hopefully the soil is feeling better now with them nutes and ph up :) ill update you on how new growth is looking when lights are on witch is in 6 hours


Well-Known Member
84 is warm. See if you can get the temp down to just under 80.
i know it is warm i have an air cool hood 1 squirl cage fan and 1 inline fan i relly dont know how i could get it down anymore without adding a ac unit. some times i dimm my 1k watt hps to 75% if temps get to 84 but thats as high as it get it never goes over 84. i just got a bad ass air cool hood for 60$ the dude ment to put the price at 160$ lol his mistake i got it in the mail and he asked if we could cancle the purchase and recharge it at 160$ i said hell no lol

george xxx

Active Member
You are watering but are they getting enough? 5 gallon pots can such up a lot of water. Soil in Pic #4 looks very dry.:?:
Got a couple of pictures, just a little food for thought.

This once promising seed turned into a full blown bastard. Since nothing in life is free I intend to torture this poor bastard until it gives all the information it has to give. When it drops dead I have a use for the carcass.


Healthy plant now being starved for light only a few drops of water and no food. Only Light is 1 23w cfl about 6 hours a day.

Spiders had lunch

Leaf turning dark, too little light, no food, very low water

Top dark, bottom side trying to stay green