Please help plant in flowering dying.

  • 4th week of flower
  • 6.5-6.8ph
  • Fox farm ocean forest soil
  • Fox farms big bloom, grow big and cha Ching
  • 72 degrees day and 68-69 at night. Humidity between 40-50
  • 7 gallon fabric pots
  • 2000 watt LEDS plat 23 inch from light
Issue: I fed them yesterday about 1 gallon each plant. As I normally have been. Out of nowhere just in last couple hours 1 plant out of the 7 I have is curling up with a bunch of brown spots. The leaves feel pretty dry. Some leaves curling up and some clawing down.



Well-Known Member
In my fox farm battles I have almost always ended up flushing with 5.8-6.2 water and following with 6.2-6.5 feedings. !/4 tsp per gal. epsom salt foliar if needed. Raise that light about 4-6 inches.