Please help. new leaves look like this!!! Im sure its easy to fix!!


Well-Known Member
I watered them with 30ml of an sensicalmg. It waid 1.25 ml per liter but I was thinking that they would need more. They werent doing this last week. So I bumbed it up a little.
I really don't think this is a micronutrient problem unless you have had a Ph flux for some reason. It's possible that Mg could cause this, the problem is you can easily overdo Mg and "lockout" other nutrients in the process. So I am inclined to say that you plants are nitrogen and phosphorous deficient due to the excess Mg. A flush of the soil might be in order with ph corrected water, follow it up with a balanced light feeding. No more sensicalmag!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Edux I was in the NOCAL all week and I just got back. After you said you wanted to bump up the Mg and the usual dose was 1.25 ml/L you cannot increase the Ca/Mg load by a factor of over 10. If you doubled the Ca/Mg load it would be 2.50 ml/L. You have increased it 24 times what it is suppose to be. Your roots may be fried from that dosage and as someone said you may have nute lock from that high of a dose. You can try a flush but if your roots are fried pull em and reload. Stick to the nute schedule Sensi has and you will be ok. You can even start with less than what they suggest and work your way SLOWLY up to the suggested nute dosage. An abrupt increase in the nutes can either lock out the nutes and/or burn the roots.


Well-Known Member
So I am thinking that I am using too much MG then? I should probably lower the dosages as long as there are no deffencacys. Thanks a lot guys that was great advice. I think they actually perked up a little already!! I have been running to this problem before and glad to know that there is a fix!! I pH ed the flush water this time too (Greenthumb111, hahah)


Well-Known Member
So I am thinking that I am using too much MG then? I should probably lower the dosages as long as there are no deffencacys. Thanks a lot guys that was great advice. I think they actually perked up a little already!! I have been running to this problem before and glad to know that there is a fix!! I pH ed the flush water this time too (Greenthumb111, hahah)
Not sure about your fert schedule, they are probably receiving the proper amounts of nutrients. Just cut out the feedings with sensicalmag, micronutrient problems are VERY rare and usually caused by some other factor like soil Ph. You can probably safely resume a reduced feeding schedule after you have flushed the pot and allowed the soil to dry out a bit. Good luck glad to hear they are doing better. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, everyone on here is alway so helpful. I had this problem before a while ago, then I thought it was too little MG. So those plants died and the next batch I figure I need to bump up the MG. It looked like MG def. from the chart. So that makes perfect sense. Just too much MG in the soil and it is locking everything up. I flushed with just the volume of each pot because it was getting late last nite. Today I will finish the flush with a weak nute solution and then see how they do. I could have probably saved a crop if I knew this a year ago.

I also know to pH the flush water too. Last crop was lost too because I flushed with water straight out of the water maching and it ph was way low.It locked out a bunch of nutes and the WCs were toast. Good thing i got a bunch of clones, I was just waiting to figure out this problem. A lot of bad advice out there. I know heat isn't the problem when the room is 70 degress..

Thanks again guys!!


Junior Creatologist
wuddup everyone, n wuddup Edux

i dont mean to jack the thread for a second, n i aint stalkin u or nothin like that dux, im just having a similar problem with one of my plants,and im trying to figure it out myself.

im growing in FF ocean forest, n im using Big Bloom n tiger bloom for my nute solution, watering every 2-3 days, every second watering im using nutes. Last week the leaves all started curling really bad, n crisping up, and i didnt know what it was that was happening. then the leaves started to bronze, n then just die off starting at the tips, but then moving in slowly to the entire leaf. im slowly losing all of my big fan leaves around my nuggets now, and i dont know what the hell to do.

Somone told me it was a vent problem in my box. so i moved the plant down into my new growtent, which is perfectly ventilated, and at a nice temp around 80 degrees if not a little cooler at times. Then, some other people told me that it might be nute burn, but ive had nute burn before during this same grow early on, because i was using mg soil, and this looked a hell of alot more severe than simple nute burn. THEN, lol, another couple people told me it might be a phosphorus deficiency, so i went out n bought some roots organics HP formula 0-4-0, which is almost all bat guano. i gave her her first dose of that tonight, but i dont know what else to do. as far as flushing and phing my soil, i dont know how to properly do that yet, as ive never come across a problem to where ive had to do this.

i stuck my soil moisture/light/ph meter into my soil today, and it read 7.5 almost, so i know thats part of the problem - so what do i do with that???

sorry for soundin like an idiot, especially when this is basic stuff and i should know this by now, but i really do need help, as im 3-4 weeks away from harvesting this plant, and i dont wanna lose her. if anybody can help out or hook up some advice, please either post here or just message me so i dont jack the thread any more than this. Seriously guys, anything you can do, id be indebted to you all.

thanks for readin

*edit* -- sorry i dont have any current pics right now, i need to take some tomorrow, n ill post them to whoever hits me back with some help. Basically all of my leaves have "the claw', theyre all curled down, and some of them just look like theyre rotting away, and dying off. theyre super dry, and crispy. it just looks like its dying a slow, slow death, lol.


Well-Known Member
did that advice that I pmed you help?

Mine strated to look better right after I flushed them out. I don't know but it sounds like you had the same problem and you seem to be putting a lot of shit in your nute water. Cut it all out. You don't really need to overdo it on the nutes, and you don't need to go out and buy a shit load of nutes. I think veg can be done by just using veg nutes, cal/mg if you need to and maybe something like paranah. Bloom, same and add molasses maybe.


Well-Known Member
Just flush a lot and it should be good to go. When the soil dries, feed it lightly.

The soil is locked up and not letting the roots absorb the nutes whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like both of you are overdoing it with nutes. All my grows are hydro and I've been doing it for years now. I got similar results a few years ago when I was experimenting with adding extra Magnesium. Overdid it, and the TOPS started to yellow, like your pics show. Things happen faster in hydro, but I fixed it by dumping my res and flushing the plants by filling the res with pure water(no nutes)

Not sure how you could do this in dirt unless you re-plant the affected plant in fresh soil... Is that possible with dirt grows? Or is there a point of no return in the growth cycle of the plant where it is too late to completely re-plant ?

Might be worth the experiment... get a fresh bag of sterilized soil and re-plant the affected plant. Then just water it for a week to see if it recovers.

Whatever the solution is, the PROBLEM is too much nutes.

Look at this face.... Would I lie to you? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help man, I think i got it under control now.

You can flush easy with soil. Just run 3x the amount the volume of the soil with pHed water.

See the only problem that makes flushing a pain with my system is that the pots are just in sacuers. Man, I have to flush for a couple minutes, then clear all the water out of the saucer then do it more. It already overflowed a couple times, and let me tell you, those hydrohut 'double water proof floors' are not 'double water proof floors'

So I think I have gotten all the issues of my room figured out now, so I am going to be saving money and getting a 4x4 tray and building a table to put them on, I may do an ebb and flow but I think I am just going to do it with coco and a drip at first then move to the ebb and flow then I should have enough cash to get an aqurium chiller to cool the res for my areo table I got a while ago.

If I have an elevated table I could just put another res under the table to collect the waste water then it will be all good and I could do an easy flush whenever. When the res under the table fills up, I will just pump that out either into the drain or into a bucket to feed other house plants that I don't really care too much about.

So, flushing is a bitch in soil when you are on the saucers, but it would be nice to do it with the table set up. I could flush every 2 weeks no problem, ya know..


Junior Creatologist
lol man i feel your pain. I just got done flushin out both of my big girls that are about to start week 5 of flowering. the one i was havin problems with, plus my other one which is healthy, but the very ends of the tips were starting to yellow, so i figured id nip that shit in the bud right now.

so i flushed each plant with 6 gallons of water that i had to ph myself by adding a little bit of vinegar to each gallon, which lowered the ph dramatically, which was good considering the ph of my soil was extremely high - like 7.8 or really close.

so i flushed, and had to bust out some containers to throw underneath my growbags, n it wass a longggggggggg process of flushing, stopping, draining tubs, flushing, n draining again. After everything was done, i resituated the soil, which is still high ph, but i imagine it will lower and stabalize over the next couple days.

im gonna re-set up my nute bottles, using only a 1/4 of the nute solution that iwas before - im using big bloom, tigerbloom, and flora micro, but im cuttin out the flora micro, and gonna just keep it at the big bloom n tiger bloom, at 1/4 strength of recommended dose, and work my way up to 1/2 strength, but i aint goin past that for the rest of this grow.

so well see if things perk up over the next couple days, hopefully everything will even out. If not, i dont know how else to lower the ph in my soil, but ill be doin alot of research over the next couple days trying to figure that out. N im gonna wait until the soil DRIES the fuck out before i water again - n im gonna keep doin just water over the following week after i start to water again.

Edux, yeah man, your advice did help, the second i read it i started getting shit ready for flushing, so thanks man. I just hope that i caught it early enough to where i can save the one plant, and end up with at least a halfway decent harvest.

thanks man,
