Please help my clones arent doing well.


Well-Known Member
I put two 5 gallon buckets of water in there. One in the room near the space heater and one in the tent. I also sprayed the clones under the dome. Hoping this helps.....really need these guys to come through.....well at least half of them. Thanx everyone for the awesome advice i REALLY APPRECIATE IT!
hey if you have some fresh aloe or want to buy some clean aloe vera juice and dilute it in some water, that will be very beneficial as the mist for your clones.... aloe has rooting hormones and enzymes that help push those roots out! people use the aloe as a cloning gel instead of buying the stuff. i will be once my clone gel runs out... but 5-7 drops at a time it lasts a long ass time lol


Well-Known Member
hey if you have some fresh aloe or want to buy some clean aloe vera juice and dilute it in some water, that will be very beneficial as the mist for your clones.... aloe has rooting hormones and enzymes that help push those roots out! people use the aloe as a cloning gel instead of buying the stuff. i will be once my clone gel runs out... but 5-7 drops at a time it lasts a long ass time lol
Aloe. That's great to learn! Thank you. Good thread.

Sidenote: do you ever use a cloning mist before you take cuts?


Well-Known Member
Sidenote: do you ever use a cloning mist before you take cuts?
never. just soak cut end stems in 5-7 drops of the clone gel/water solution for 24hrs, pop them in the aero cloner, and mist with aloe every few days. i don't use a dome, and just use city water to keep the cloner sterile. 100% every time unless you have weak cuttings to start with. some strains root faster than others too.


Well-Known Member
never. just soak cut end stems in 5-7 drops of the clone gel/water solution for 24hrs, pop them in the aero cloner, and mist with aloe every few days. i don't use a dome, and just use city water to keep the cloner sterile. 100% every time unless you have weak cuttings to start with. some strains root faster than others too.
When you soak the clones do you just make the 45 degree cut and then soak? I see alot of folks talk about either splitting the stem at the cut, or scrapping the outer layer of the bottom of the stem to expose new tissue. I have had equally shitty experience doing all the above.
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Well-Known Member
When you soak the clones do you just make the 45 degree cut and then soak? I see alot of folks talk about either splitting the stem at the cut, or scrapping the outer layer of the bottom of the stem to expose new tissue. I have had equally shitty experience doing all the above.
I have split them before, but it takes a steady hand and confidence; it does work really well though. one strain i have, jacks cleaner 2, has explosive root growth with that method.

a universal method, and what i recommend, is cutting the 45, and adding a few "notches" above the 45. the notches should be about 1/4-1/3f of the way into the stem. i usually do about 3-4 of them and alternate sides up the stem. each notch will shoot out roots, plus the 45 at the bottom. very effective.

some people make their 45 cut under water. i don't always do it, but it def. doesn't hurt.

the nice thing about soaking them for 24hr in the diluted solution of rooting gel, is that they'll never wilt when you put them in the cloner.

Oregon Gardener

Well-Known Member
something that i find that helps my close a lot is snipping some of the larger leaves in half lengthwise. this slows down transpiration and enables the clone to hold onto more water because there are less stomata open allowing vapor to leave the plant.

also you have some thrip damage it looks like. you should consider some captain jack's dead bug...

another tip i will share is if you use the cloning gel, you should dilute 5-7 drops of the gel into about 1.25 cups of water, and put your cuttings in that cup of water for 24 hrs in a low light area. on the fringe of your veg light is fine. this will maximize the effectiveness and stretch your dollars much farther with the gel. after 24hrs put them right in the aero cloner or rapid rooters, whatever you're using.

i don't like to make the cuttings work hard because they have no roots. so water is scarce in the plant. this is why low light, and a light defoliation to slow transpiration is beneficial to clones imo. let them put their energy to root production.
I like that idea. Cloning gel is expensive. Thanks, put that on my tab:)

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I use the Stimroot #2 rooting powder, $3.99 at Lowes or the local hydro shop. Used as directed along with a bail of soft rockwool cut into 2"x2.5" cubes with scissors seem to last forever. I bank the soft rockwool with a bit of gravel to help with suspension inside the bin:)

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I also use stimroot #2 powder.
I got into this soft rockwool thing because some new member asked me if it can be used. I never did get back on the thread but ya, it can be used. It just has to be done with the grain(through the side) instead of through the grain(top or bottom) like hard rockwool.

I figure that a person using a powder might be interested in the results my soft rockwool (bailed 2"x 4" rockwool insulation sheets). study.


Well-Known Member
If your clones wilt in a cloner its ok. A few days later they will perk right back up. You can also buy some anti wilt and use it if you're concerned about that


Well-Known Member
If your clones wilt in a cloner its ok. A few days later they will perk right back up. You can also buy some anti wilt and use it if you're concerned about that
you dont need anti wilt, or to spend extra money. just soak for 24hr. no stress on the clone. right into the cloner. KISS.


Well-Known Member
you dont need anti wilt, or to spend extra money. just soak for 24hr. no stress on the clone. right into the cloner. KISS.
I know you don't need it. I was just saying if the op is worried about the wilting he can use it. I agree kiss


Well-Known Member
so my clones are doin better...kinda. either way thanx a bunch peeps!!!! still alot of wilting and i have lost a few. Im pretty sure next time around i need to get the environment more stable with higher temps and humdity and i will have a better success rate(but thats why i cut extra:-)).However a lot more have shown roots. My kong has gone crazy. definitely an easy to clone strain. Id say about 50% of the clones i took are rooting. some with just little knubs others like the kongs are doin much better.(and i might pick up some verified sin mint clones to fill watever space i might have). Im hoping to transplant by sat....and that brings me to some more questions i have....

1. So once again im doin half the room with Livings Organics which will only getting teas and plain water. other half will be bagged organic soil(roots organic just cuz i have some bags left over) with organic bottled nutes(might try cyco if i can afford it). Im ordering most the things for my RLOS from however, it wont be here by sat. What should i transplant my clones in til then? I was thinking SPM, EWC,aeration, mycos(at the root ball of course)....but not sure past that. they will hopefully be in these homes for 2-4 weeks depending on how long my soil will 'cook' for.

2. With my bare root clones from my cloner do i just drop them into soil? is there anything i should be doin or steps i should be taking?

As alway thanx big time and happy, safe growing to you ALL! Peace