Please help my bother is dying....


Well-Known Member
  • Is there anywhere in Colorado that helps dying folks get meds?
    My little brother age 35 is dying of heart failure bout 2 mo to live, looking at hospice realy soon.
    He don't have money or time left to get his red card renewed.
    Idk what to do...

    I promised id try and find a real comassion center stead of greedy fuckn dispencery's that are only about $$$$.

    Im not familiar with Colorado laws.

    Can anything be done?
    Please Help?



Well-Known Member
Check out They are an organization that helps people like your brother. I've never worked with them directly so I can't comment about the organization, but it seems like a good option.

Best of luck, and I wish your brother as much peace and comfort as possible.