Please help me


Well-Known Member
i take it all u know is from what uve read and not actually seen (or smoked). And to say floros are for beginners? man way to dig urself deeper into the noobie hole. i would suggest to u learning more about cfls and seeing that they are very capable. this is over, im done, if u knew bout cfls and there potential u would not have ever started this and thats a fact.
There is no noobie hole being dug but the one you are digging. There is no way in hell CFL's compare with HID. None. To try and sell CFL's as being as good as HID is just ridiculous and someone who does not know what they are talking about. I hate to be blunt but the fact remains CFL's do not compete with HID. No way. No how. Nada.

It is no competition and to try to preach to the choir makes you look real real bad. HID is much much superior lighting all the way around.

Like I said, when you are ready to take your training wheels off your knowledge, you will graduate to HID lighting.

Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
in terms of yeild u are absolutley correct. just a question how much do u know about cfls? i know my info seems unbeleivable, i felt the same way till i saw the proof.


Well-Known Member
in terms of yeild u are absolutley correct. just a question how much do u know about cfls? i know my info seems unbeleivable, i felt the same way till i saw the proof.
What proof have you seen ? :confused: That CFL's will grow weed? So will HID lighting.

What is better ?


What grows better weed not to mention MORE weed - again - HID.

By better weed I mean more dense and more frosty = better quality.

There is no way in hell the weed is just as "good" as weed grown under HID.


Look - you may be all happy over CFL's but when you are ready to step up....CFL's are bush league.


Well-Known Member
What proof have you seen ? :confused: That CFL's will grow weed? So will HID lighting.

What is better ?


What grows better weed not to mention MORE weed - again - HID.

By better weed I mean more dense and more frosty = better quality.

There is no way in hell the weed is just as "good" as weed grown under HID.


Look - you may be all happy over CFL's but when you are ready to step up....CFL's are bush league.

ive seen and smoked end result from both hps and cfl grows, and yes the weed was just as good if not better, buds were looser but that dosent effect the quality. theres no way for me to prove this to u obviously but u dont know what ur saying. i mean seriously why would i want to sit here and waste my time and all of urs if i was talking bullshit. just look around on other sites im sure ull find people who would 100% agree with me.


Well-Known Member
ive seen and smoked end result from both hps and cfl grows, and yes the weed was just as good if not better, buds were looser but that dosent effect the quality. theres no way for me to prove this to u obviously but u dont know what ur saying. i mean seriously why would i want to sit here and waste my time and all of urs if i was talking bullshit. just look around on other sites im sure ull find people who would 100% agree with me.
You are spreading misinformation. While you may love CFL's, HID is superior lighting.

Everything is better. EVERYTHING. Even the trichromes are animals which affect potency with HID.

Again to say the weed was as good if not better with Floros is plain old bullshiit. Dude it may fly with the kiddies but when you want to post fact, you better be ready to back it up.

CFL's are no competition for HID lighting. NONE


Well-Known Member
i got nothing to prove to u, im giving factual information based on what i have experinced what more proof do u need? i guess ur calling me a liar? how would it benefit me to lie to u and all these other peeps? not at all. this is knowlegde if u choose not to take it thats ur loss. and once again how much real life experience do u have with cfls?


Well-Known Member
alright people, just stop arguing, im going with cfl's cause they are cheaper, then i will switch to HID on a different plant. by the way can i use aluminum foil please let me know if there is a possibility in me using it.


Well-Known Member
i got nothing to prove to u, im giving factual information based on what i have experinced what more proof do u need? i guess ur calling me a liar? how would it benefit me to lie to u and all these other peeps? not at all. this is knowlegde if u choose not to take it thats ur loss. and once again how much real life experience do u have with cfls?
HID lighting is MUCH superior to Floros. There is no magic to it. There is no debating it. None. I did not call you a liar although you are misinformed. Way misinformed.

There is nothing "factual" about your claims. None. Nada. I can pull up links until the cows come home which shows HID lighting produces superior results all the way around. I repeat...ALL THE WAY AROUND.

Floros are for kindergardeners.

I take no loss in what you tell me as your real life experience. I call bullshiit when I see it so there is no loss on my part. The posters have everything to gain to read the real truth about HID lighting versus floros.

You keep asking what real life experience I have with floros and I answered your question. I have over 30+ years growing experience.

You may think floros are the wet panties of the millennia but HID lighting will reign supreme despite your love affair with floros.

Obviously you are young in your knowledge so read and learn from growers who have been there and done that and if it hurts your feelings - deal with it. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Thread for newbs using CFL's MAXIMIZE!!!

yea ok so heres a cfl grower. i know i cant get u to beleive me but simply put ur wrong. i never argued hps is superior but by no means does it blow cfls out of the park im sorry but ur just misinformed.
Jesus christ. Are you that obtuse ?

There comes a point to where even common sense escapes some people.

The above link has the dude using 25 --- count them 25 mother fuggin' 30 watt spiral bulbs.

For the math fanatics that works out to 750 watts.

Now picture 25 (30 watt) light fixtures versus one 1,000 watt HID or even one 600 watt HID light fixture.

I rest my case or until the next ignant statement comes along.


Well-Known Member
alright people, just stop arguing, im going with cfl's cause they are cheaper, then i will switch to HID on a different plant. by the way can i use aluminum foil please let me know if there is a possibility in me using it.
Never use aluminum foil. It causes burn and hot spots. Use Mylar or white paint.

CFL's are for kindergardeners. CFL's are like using a kids easy bake oven to make cookies when you need a real oven.

When you are ready to graduate from the sandbox, step up to HID. :joint: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ. Are you that obtuse ?

There comes a point to where even common sense escapes some people.

The above link has the dude using 25 --- count them 25 mother fuggin' 30 watt spiral bulbs.

For the math fanatics that works out to 750 watts.

Now picture 25 (30 watt) light fixtures versus one 1,000 watt HID or even one 600 watt HID light fixture.

I rest my case or until the next ignant statement comes along.

um....what does that have to do with what were talkin about? the argument was over the quality of cfls not how many of them we use. so i dont see where uve rested ur case? u never really had a case to begin with u were just goin by what other peeps have told u, its not ur fault.


Well-Known Member
um....what does that have to do with what were talkin about? the argument was over the quality of cfls not how many of them we use. so i dont see where uve rested ur case? u never really had a case to begin with u were just goin by what other peeps have told u, its not ur fault.
Watts are watts. The more the better.

HID lighting is much superior and grows better weed than CFL's. There is no debating it. None.

I would put one fixture at 1000 watts of HPS against the equivalent in CFL's and win hands down everytime.

Watt for watt, HPS grows better weed than floros and always until the cows come home.


Well-Known Member
it will grow more weed but not better weed. anywho this is a very debatable topic but it all comes down to preference and what u have to work with to determine what is best for u.


Well-Known Member
this arguement is getting pointless i cant change ur opinions and u cant change mine,
Your argument is that weed is just as potent as weed grown under HPS and you are wrong.

You want to say the yields are more or less and that is true.

What you do not want to admit is the quality of HPS grown weed is BETTER than CFL grown weed.

I do not care what photos you post. Nobody can tell the growers that they have discovered CFL's which produces as good of weed as grown under HPS. That is just plain old hogwash. It does not exist unless someone believes it like some do in voodoo.

If CFL's produced better weed then growers would be using CFL's in mass production (because they save energy right?)....well the growers do not use CFL's and for a good reason. They suck and are for amatuers.


Well-Known Member
lol ur prolly right i do sound like a cfl nympho, i personnaly use a hps system myself but ive seen both worlds and bro u only have it partly right. and to cast them off as only amtuear lights really is ludacris.


Well-Known Member
lol ur prolly right i do sound like a cfl nympho, i personnaly use a hps system myself but ive seen both worlds and bro u only have it partly right. and to cast them off as only amtuear lights really is ludacris.
CFL's are good for cloning and for keeping clone mothers under constant VEG and that is where CFL's shine.

For producing the goods, MH for VEG and HPS for Flowering.

For optimal results, 2/3 of the wattage is HPS and 1/3 is MH HID lighting. It gets no better than that unless you add monitored and controlled CO2 (which I have added as well).