please help me!


Active Member
hey growers my first post because it seems a stupid question but....i only have a 400w hps for veg and flowering!
i have no flourescents for my seed germination,could someone help me as i only have a hps and cannot afford any flourescents! what should i do when my seeds come out of the soil,use my hps 400w??

could i have some advice from some pro's please on how to improvise?

my regards for your time!:weed:


Well-Known Member
A good place for you to start would be in the GrowFAQ section. you will learn a lot there.
and personally i have always germinated in dark, idk who told you that you need flouros for germinating.
and yes once the seed does make its sprout, your 400w hps should be there helping it grow.
Also before it sprouts is fine.

And with that. Good Luck

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
If you've only got a single HPS I'd suggest getting some CFLs (compact flourescants)

1 or 2 per plant will be ok for the first few weeks - keep them close, a few inches away from the foliage...don't forget to move them as the plants grow though!

(I grew my first ever batch using 3 cfls over 2 plants with a home-made reflector (silver christmas paper on a piece of cardbard) on top...and it was the best I'd had for ages)

...or if your REALLY broke and can't afford even a tenner on a few lightbulbs then stick 'em on the windowsil for about 3 weeks then stick em under the hps!

Green Xan Man

Active Member
Yea, i germinate my seeds in between to wet paper towels in complete darkness, works really well, and i would prefer to veg with a MH but if you only have an HPS you should be straight. But yea, check out Grow FAQ.