Please help me out.

Okay so I started growing 3 plants (One haze, one roadrunner, and one Carmella) all seed's purchased from atitude seedbank. I am using an MH + HPS 400w system.

The haze plant has already germinated and sprouted above the soil, and is looking healthy and fine. However the Roadrunner and the Carmella have not sprouted above the soil.

My question is should I be worried? It's been approximately 2 weeks and a few days since I started the whole process. The seed's germinated fine with the paper towel method. I am on a good watering cycle / light dark schedule. Good soil and so forth.

Is it bad that the two other plants haven't sprouted above the soil yet? I know that Carmella takes a long period to grow, but I am afraid the seed's might have somehow died. Is there any real way to check?


Give them some more time matt. Like they say "time will tell" some strains do take longer to develop. Tho I'm not familiar with either of the stains your worried about. Just give them some more time and tlc and everything should be okay
I appreciate the response, but I am curious is there a certain period in which I would definitely know if my seedlings are dead? Should I wait till like week 3 or 4?

And they've been in the soil for approximately 12-14 days since germination. I germinated first and put them into soil.


Active Member
I appreciate the response, but I am curious is there a certain period in which I would definitely know if my seedlings are dead? Should I wait till like week 3 or 4?

And they've been in the soil for approximately 12-14 days since germination. I germinated first and put them into soil.
If they have not sprouted by now they probably wont..12-14 days is a long time to be in soil with no sprout..Sounds like there were duds. Sorry man


Active Member
12-14 days is along time not to have any sprouts pop up out of the soil. I just planted 3 seeds after germing them and they popped up out of soil in like a day or 2. sounds like they possibly could have died, but, if you wanted to wait a lil longer thats up to you, you could just germ some more and try again, make sure the soil is moist enough, and dont put em in to deep.