Please help me.. my baby has rusty spots :( *PICTURES*


Active Member
3.jpg2.jpg1.jpgIf anyone can help me I would really love you forever...
This is my first grow. My white widow and sour diesel are on their 3rd day of flowering under 1000 watt HPS 12/12. Im using Tiger Bloom and will start Big Bloom tomorrow.

BUT my beautiful white widow is getting horrible ugly brown spots on her leaves.. please look at the pics.... what am I doing wrong?


Active Member
I dont know how to test the ph of the soil, and today I was told I should be checking the ppm.. so I have to research and learn how to do that. I hope she isnt ruined. I have done everything but make love to these beasties. lol


Active Member
I believe this is a Magnesium deficiency then, since Nute burn is unlikely using 3ml of TB.

Add 2 teaspoons of epsom salts to your water- shake well, make sure it's dissolved- this should help correct your problem.

Epsom Salts helped me :)


Active Member
Ok Ill go get some right now and try that. I just now watered them, should I go ahead and water them now again with the epsom? Thank you so much for helping me MrSoloDolooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Active Member
No, do not water them again- you will do more damage than good by overwatering- wait until they need to be watered again for the Epsom Water.
What you can do is spray the foliage with an Epsom solution- use a little bit of epsom in your water bottle sprayer, shake it up and spray the leaves. Make sure you have your fan on in the grow room just to ensure the excess water evaporates, I can't tell if you have bud growing on those plants or not, but try to just spray the fan leaves and green foliage, not the bud.

KiD CuDi is da shizzle