please help me identify this...I can't find anything close.


I can't find anything that resembles what is going on. please help me!

I have treated for bugs with Spinosad. i have gotten rid of the fungus gnats. it looks like bugs to me but i cant not find them anywhere.
my ladies are in the 3rd week of flower. they are in soil in 3gal pots. PH is good haven't had issues with that. this only happend once they went into 12/12. i am running Botanicare nutes with added CalMag. the spots are not on all leaves and the issue is staying close to the middle. right now it is only affecting the fan leaves. we have had a few hot days in a row where temps went up pretty high but this started 2 weeks ago. i have done all the troubleshooting i can. it starts with light dots and then the dots get lighter and cover the leaf. this isnt my first go round but i haven't run into this before. im using 600W HPS and RH is 35%-45%. hopefully i am just overlooking something. any help would be awesome!!

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Well-Known Member
spider mites maybe? look under the leaves and see if you see little tiny black bugs, or maybe small webs. if it looks the same on all leaves it may be Calcium/Magnesium in the early stage.


Well-Known Member
it's hard to tell because i have another window open and am masturbating fiercely, but i would say spider mites explain the dotting, the rest is some sort of deficiency, not sure which exactly though.


i have scoured all plants looking for bugs. a couple weeks ago i found a Thrip or 2 but since using the Spinosad i can't find even one bug, top or bottom of the leaf. i have treated them every 4 days for three treatments. to kill any eggs that may have hatched. its extremely frustrating. i have been going light on the CalMag but i could run it more. there are no webs or anything on the leaves or in the room at all. its not on all leaves mostly the big fan leaves. the smaller ones look fine. some are spotting though.

Thanks for the quick reply. i welcome any thoughts. i will try increasing the CalMag+ and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
i have scoured all plants looking for bugs. a couple weeks ago i found a Thrip or 2 but since using the Spinosad i can't find even one bug, top or bottom of the leaf. i have treated them every 4 days for three treatments. to kill any eggs that may have hatched. its extremely frustrating. i have been going light on the CalMag but i could run it more. there are no webs or anything on the leaves or in the room at all. its not on all leaves mostly the big fan leaves. the smaller ones look fine. some are spotting though.

Thanks for the quick reply. i welcome any thoughts. i will try increasing the CalMag+ and see what happens.
spider mites are small. you'll see them with a loupe or magnifying glass though.


if i have mites why cant i find a single one when i have checked every leaf with 60x magnification? if i have bugs where are they??


it's hard to tell because i have another window open and am masturbating fiercely, but i would say spider mites explain the dotting, the rest is some sort of deficiency, not sure which exactly though.

I do appreciate the multitasking! a true pro! :clap:

Thanks guys for thoughts. i will continues to look for my ghost mites.. haha


Well-Known Member
I can't find anything that resembles what is going on. please help me!

I have treated for bugs with Spinosad. i have gotten rid of the fungus gnats. it looks like bugs to me but i cant not find them anywhere.
my ladies are in the 3rd week of flower. they are in soil in 3gal pots. PH is good haven't had issues with that. this only happend once they went into 12/12. i am running Botanicare nutes with added CalMag. the spots are not on all leaves and the issue is staying close to the middle. right now it is only affecting the fan leaves. we have had a few hot days in a row where temps went up pretty high but this started 2 weeks ago. i have done all the troubleshooting i can. it starts with light dots and then the dots get lighter and cover the leaf. this isnt my first go round but i haven't run into this before. im using 600W HPS and RH is 35%-45%. hopefully i am just overlooking something. any help would be awesome!!

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Check the second or third images.


i have to agree it looks mites. well i have been treating all plants so im pretty sure its not spreading. i will probably give another spray down in a few days. do they hide other places than on the plant? my plants buds are not big enough to hide them yet. and they are not staying on the leaves.


not one hint of bugs or eggs. now lets say the the leaves were damaged 3 weeks ago. since then i have killed the bugs. the damage obviously doesn't go away but the small dots actually grow with the leaf. giving the appearance of a continued problem. does this make sense? the damage does like just like mites. i guess i will just keep on looking.


Well-Known Member
for your next grow buy some neem oil and keep your plants treated to avoid getting pests.. thats my new plan after losing a crop to whiteflys