PLEASE HELP ME~! forgot to turn exaust fan, and plants look HORRIBLE


Well-Known Member
hello everyone. so i figured i would do my exaust fans a favor and let them rest while my plant was in sleep mode, so i unplugged them and fell asleep/ I awoke, say 8 hours later, to find that they were sitting in a 110 degree box for at least 6 hours. OH MY GOD you guys, my heart fucking HURTS. they are not trashed, i would take a pic, but my digital camera broke. so, to explain,one of my two plants looks pretty okay, just a few leaves dried up, i cup them off, couple of the buds are a little scorched looking, but nothing serious. now the other plant, different story, half of it is scorched pretty bad. all the leaves on that side are gone. but the other half of the plant looks like nothing ever happend. (of coarse the side that got scorched was the side with my biggest bud, go figure) anyway....i cut off all the dead leafs, and then backed off the lights to about half strength. is there ANYthing i can do to nurse my children back to health? i am seriously sad here, and i NEEED your professioonal input. save the jokes, cause i am in no mood. please!!!!!


Yes you can help them! Do a feeding of kelp, if you have access to nature's is awesome for this stuff. Nature's nog is a blend of ascophyllum nodosum (a species of seaweed) and humates, usually used to reduce transplant stress. It will also increase your plants resistance to heat, cold and drought conditions. Get some asap(or other seaweed mixture) and Im sure your plants will appreciate it. Hope this helped!
Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
awesome you guys, thanks alot!!!! rep to both! i appriciate man!!! I just bought the general organics "go box" and i remembered, that the bio weed has seaweed, and the bio bud has kelp, so boom! i didnt even have to buy anything! thanks a million times you guys! i hope my girls thank you as well! this was seriously heartbreaking to me.


Well-Known Member
already on it. i hope so badly to see new growth outta the burnt looking buds. i could breathe a sigh of relief/ dude, everything was going PERFECT, and of coarse this had to happen!!! well, only way i can justify it, is like this, these were my learning plants, and i have faced just about every problem possible with these two girls...the fact that they havent hermied out all ready shocks the fuck outta me! its all a learning process tho.