Please help me.. ='(, Drying/Curling/cruchy leaves, My first grow |Pictures|.....


Active Member
... So the plant is about 50 days old... Started outdoors, moved indoors for flowering... after moving it indoors for a couple weeks, got the first sign of a nug on top... I decided to take it out of its current pot which was a 10 gallon mammoth pot full of OLD soil and new compost... During the transplant i relized that the soil was SUPER compacted... and my roots were not nearly as big as they should be for nearly a 2' plant...

anyways I transplanted it to a 6gallon bucket of Foxfarms ocean forest soil... And it got some transplant shock.. so i added 1 drop of superthrive into about a half gallon of water and soaked it... the next day it had stopped drooping and perked back up.. but had a few leaves drying up on it... I figured this was part of it's transplant shock and everything would be fine the next day.. Unfortunatly I was wrong, I peeked in this evening after work.. and two times as many leaves were dried/dieing....
I'm using fox farms big bloom, and open sesame right now.. She's only recived 2 feeding of nutes.. once 10 days before transplant.. and one today when i saw how sad she was....

I was using straight tap water to feed her, then i found its heavy in cholrine and VERY hard..
Now I've switched to distilled water... which she was Water heavily with right after transplant and today..
Ph going in is at like 7.x~ and comming out(runoff) at about 6.x~(closer to 7)

I have some pictures which I would like to show to you guys at this point.. if anyone has any Ideas on what I can do.. something to make my baby girl happier, please let me know Thank you in Advance..:sad::-(:wall::wall::wall:



Well-Known Member
I used to you fox farm bloomer but found it almost impossible to hone in on the right feeding ratio (always seemed to burn my ladies) so I switched to advanced nutes for bloomer, still use fox farm grow big though.


Active Member
on a scale from 1-10.. how bad does it look? do you think it's nute burn? or a def.? if it is nute burn.. should i flush it?, I'm using way less nutes then it tells me too.. and it only takes a min or so for the water to leak out of my soil...


Well-Known Member
when is the last time it was flushed? wait are you flowering it because it looks like your still in veg phase and if you are your using the wrong food


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh thats your problem, you need fox farm grow big for veggin, works great been using it for years


Active Member
It is in the flowering stage.. 12hours of light/ 12 hours of darkness... I gave it a little bit of nitrogen rich Fert up untill 2-3 weeks ago


Active Member
Shamelessly bumping my own thread... I'm very worried about it and want to know what I should do to help cure this problem.... Is it too late? Should I call it quits? And start over?


Well-Known Member
When you transplanted it, did you ruin any roots? It's possible since the soil was soo compact and when you transplanted it you could've crushed some roots. It could possibly be severe transplant stress since the 2 soils are much different. I hope your plant gets better bro.


Active Member
The way I transplanted it..... I tore the sides of the old pot off.. to where it was just a big glob of dirt.. and slowly kinda patted the dirt away from the root ball, At one point i went to lift the plant, and i heard a slight tear... and then started patting the dirt off again untill it was completly free, I don't think that I ruined very many, if any at all.. But one thing i did notice.. The roots were tiny.. I've always heard that the root system of a plant should be equal or greater then the plant.. mine was about 1/8th the size of my plant... not in lenght but mass.... today i looked and more shrivled dried leaves... I cut them all off seeing as how there not going to get better and the plant is wasting nutes trying to keep them alive... other parts of the plant on the other hand are looking good, very green my bud on the top is super stinky... I just hope it survives anyone with any input is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance


Active Member
I'm sorry for making such a big deal out of this... but please help me! :) I went to the hydro store.. they said that I should flush it with 9 gallons of water today and tommorow and then let it dry out,any other helpfull information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!