please help me determine the sex of my plant

hey whats up everyone i am new to this site but have been reading alot of tthreads posted here. I started growing my first plant and need some advice. i am 2days into flowering after a 6 week veg. i am trying to identify the sex of my plant. i know where to look for the sex and i can see a small vall or bulb with what looks like a single still green hair protruding from it.
Do female have balls or bulbs that hairs frotrude from? Or is it a male and i am just imagining a hair when its really something else?


Active Member
wait 3 more days and look at the top 3 inches of your plant see if you see 2 hairs and no balls popping out on stalks
ok i tried taking a picture but you cant really see what i am talking about but what i do see is on the top three inches of the plant. So where do the hairs protrude from?
thanks that does help. what is the thing the white hairs are coming out of called because that is what my plant looks like but only has 1 hair and they aren't that long and they aren't white yet


Well-Known Member
Look where the leaf stem meets the main stem and thats where the sex is. What you are looking for is a upside down spade or a thin stem with a ball on top.
Sounds like a girl to me though.


sounds like you have females but its to early to tell. give it a full week. are you growing bag seed or a strain? if strain what strain?
yeah i am new around here but i have been using this site as a refference when i had questions about my plant like i said its my first one


Active Member
Ok once again newbies do u now pics help,a pics speaks a thousand words.there are answers on this site already do ur research first before u post bro please this is for all newbies many of ur ????'s are already here and have been answered again study before u test,U are testing before u study not good.peace hope this helps all newbies,good luck


during flowering would be the best to tell. atleast thats just from my experience whenever i grew with bagseed. post some pics when you can.
yeah i have been doing research. like i said you cant identify it yet i was just wondering how one would go about identifying a strain. i can take a pic if you want but you wont be able to tell. i was asking so maybe i could help some friends of mine and myself later on down the road


Active Member
when and how can one determine or have an idea of what strain they are growing?
Leaf will tell u if it is a sativa or indica and if hybreed it works same way the sativa dominate plant will have long fingers and the indica dom will have short fat fingers or leaf, look at my album and thats what a purple kush indica plant looks like, look at the short fat leaf.hope this helps!!!