Please help me! Am i crazy?


Well-Known Member
He says his friends are pushing him in to it by saying how easy it is... Why aren't they doing it then? Because it's risky as hell and they want him to take that risk because they are chicken-shit. If this were to go wrong, it wouldn't be you and the baby left at home. They would take you too and you little one would be placed in state custody. That is unless he can make them believe that you hand nothing to do with it and didn't know what it was... Think he can pull that off? Is he even the kind of guy that will try to pull that off?

That's my .02 worth.


Well-Known Member
First let me tell you I am a Mom and there is no way i would allow a grow in my babies room. I doubt it would be good for the plants or the baby.However, if your baby's daddy is out copping pot on a regular basis then that is much more dangerous than having a plant or two growing. If he is planning on selling that is another story.

The thing is, the more people who are aware of growing the more chance of getting caught or getting ripped off. Is there somewhere else he can grow and can he keep his mouth shut to his buddies?

The first priority should be the well being of the new baby. If he can not understand that you have bigger problems than what can be resolved on these forums.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with many of you on several points:

1)If the health and safety of a child are in question the Police can, and will enter your home without a warrant.
2) If you are caught growing with a child in the home - even for personal use you will probably lose custody of the child - at least in the short term.
3)If caught growing with a child in the house social services will be involved, and they can show up unannounced at any time to check the living environment.
4) Weed has value, I would not want to risk someone breaking in, or robbing me with a child around.
5) If caught - you would be charged with child abuse or similar as well as the drug charges.



Well-Known Member

You have too much to loose... like your kid... do it, but somewhere else... and keep it just the 2 of you... no buddies... no one... you and him are the ONLY ones supposed to know....

Countless harvests have been thieved, cause someone talked too much...

Keep it safe, keep it small...

and keep your mouth zipped shut...

Best of Luck...



Well-Known Member
Im sorry, I thought this was General Marijuana Growing.

Why would you even post here asking if you should grow pot in your babies room??? You should already know the answer to that.

WOW we have REALLY fucked up people in the world.
one of the most imprtant parts of "general marajuana growing" is security! where else do you suggest she post this?

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Im sorry, I thought this was General Marijuana Growing.

Why would you even post here asking if you should grow pot in your babies room??? You should already know the answer to that.

WOW we have REALLY fucked up people in the world.
Are you suggesting that she is wasting your time? If you don't want to read it don't click on it, and if you don't care once you've read it then don't post.