PLEASE HELP ME.......3.5 weeks in to flowering and pistils already changing?

The Experimentor

Active Member
Now keep in mind I'm new myself...but in all the hours of research I did the one thing that always came up was "harvest when 1/2 to 2/3rds of the hairs turn red (or reddish brown, etc.). It sounds to me like your girls are starting to get close. Keep an eye on them and you will be enjoying the "fruits" of your labors soon. Enjoy

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
does anyone have advice on how to water plants and when nutes should be introduced??? please click on my link and help me im tired of them dying or getting males please help!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Some strains will begin to have the pistils start to change earlier than others. The best way to determine how close you are is to look at the trichomes under a microscope. Radio Shack sells a nice handheld model for about $12.00 For more info on how to know it is time to harvest you can read up in the FAQs located at the top of each page.


Active Member
anything i can do with the light timing to prolong this?
Your plants will flower when they want to under 12/12. Don't listen to the guy who said they are getting close, no chance of that happening in 3 weeks. Sometimes the brown hairs are a sign of under watering, but don't quote me i don't remember where i heard that.

Light Cycle Information


Well-Known Member
hey dick, are they bagseeds then? dank bagseeds, mids bagseeds??

x2 on checking the trichs, go off of them not the hairs, i'm sure you have at least 4 weeks left


Active Member
Dont worry about it
The hair will start to turn colour and sometimes its tricky but usually right when u think the majority of the hair are red more will sprout out
they will slowly start turning red until the end but dont worry because it wont be until probably at least ur 6th or 7th week before u really need to start checking the trichomes to have an exact harvest date


Well-Known Member
i think its more like 8 weeks left when they are done you wont see any of those hairs they will be covered in new bud! when buds get tons of white hairs early they turn brown and buds grow over them and new hairs form! your not even building weight yet wait till you see how much fatter they get! i went by this pic i found on the net and its pretty accurate but you deffinatly need to get a scope from radio shack for 12 bux because plants can double and triple in potency in the last few weeks so you dont want to chop till they are maxed out!

i also added a pic of some fuzzy early buds and what they turn into after they put on weight! and i dont start counting flowering weeks untill the plant has white hairs all over..thats when you get 6-8 week flower times. think about it the day after you switch the lights to 12/12 are the plants budding?? not really it takes a few weeks to get rockin!

oh yea i only rock cfls! :)



Well-Known Member
yeah that happens ! i just was making sure you dont short yourself. every bud i clipped early would have doubled in size i learned that way but it did cut down my last harvest..the mini micro scope from radio shack is exactly the same as a "420 scope" from high times for $50,and its 12.99 at the shack!