Please help .. leaves dont look right.


hi ,
i have 2 (mobydick) in hydro wilma 4 pot
clay pebbles
800w hps
temps 28 deg celc light on
20 deg light off
humid average 40-50
currently 5 weeks in veg ,,, they have been main lined to have 16 tops
all was fine until transplanting into wilma pots . transplanted 1 week ago
had wilting due to underfeeding , then over feeding...
sort of fixed ,,, how often should i water in clay pebbles ?
ec of 1.6 ph 6.0
new tops looked deformed like twisted and slightly burnt
any help please ?



Active Member
how are you watering the clay pebbles? I believe they should get multiple feedings per day. What brand and strenght nutes are you using? Underfeeding generally does not cause wilting, it usually causes discolored leaf


Blue dripper system... every 3 hours for half an hour. could my light be too low ? im using dutch prob a n b and magi cal calmag, superthrive.


Active Member
no thats worse than just light strain. Something with your feeding or roots is going on I think. It looks like over feed to me, in veg you need like 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes, Im not familar with EC but I do a ppm of 400-600 in veg. You might also want to increase your feeding time amounts, I havent done much with pebbles, but I assume they dry out very fast, maybe more like an hourly feedings...... I bet you could even get away with a constant flow of water but not sure. Also check your roots where you can, do they look bright and white, or do they look a little "dirty"? Are there any bugs like fungus gnats hanging around?


i checked the roots.. new white fuzzy roots are appearing .... also i had the water on constant before and they were getting overwatered as they drooped down very bad. also my ppm is currently around 800 - 1000 so that may be high. and theres no bugs or mites i check for them regularly and the environments is clean ... it only happened after translplanting. they were fine for a couple of days ... you dont think 800w is alot at the moment ?


Active Member
800w is a lot but not to much, its just more than you need. Make sure they have enough distance from the light. From what you told me, I would cut your nute strength in half and increase your watering intervals to something like once an hour for 15 minutes. You are feeding your veg plants at the strength I feed my flower plants. I bet thats it, and I bet the initial problem you saw after transplant was just transplant shock, which you overcorrect for.

Do you have a sticky trap set up on your plants? Fungus gnats can hide pretty well in the roots, not saying thats what youve got,in fact sound like your roots are healthy, but since Ive battled them so much its always my first check out when I have problems. A sticky trap should always be up to monitor the potential bugs in your room.


il add more water and cut the nutes,,, see what happens over the next couple of days. and n i havnt got a sticky trap il prob go and get one now ... roots were white and clean when i checked and still growing new roots. i think it could be the light ,, il decrease to 600 also and see how they cope. thankyou for your help.


Active Member
il add more water and cut the nutes,,, see what happens over the next couple of days. and n i havnt got a sticky trap il prob go and get one now ... roots were white and clean when i checked and still growing new roots. i think it could be the light ,, il decrease to 600 also and see how they cope. thankyou for your help.
I veg at 400w very effectively and swap to 600w a week before I move them to flower. Veg plants dont need much light at all.