Please help identify this bug!

So after an hour of patiently waiting I caught one of these little bastards; I killed one outside of the grow tent and killed two within. Plants are on day 44 of veg and i don't wanna flip if they're gonna cause issues until they're resolved. its a hydroponic grow with water temps around 68-69, air temp around 74-77, humidity around 45-50 if it matters. Upon inspection I didn't see anything in the reservoir. So what are these, did they possibly cause this leaf damage, and how can i easily get rid of them lol.


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currently I run bennies in my reservoir, and for the most part everything is relatively clean, I perform res changes every 1-2 weeks at the most; with dwc the only moist environment is in the res besides that outside of the res is dry with a humidity of mid 40's, and no foliar spray.
Use yellow sticky traps or fly traps (the ones you hang). Fungus gnats are attracted to the color yellow.

If you want to be precautious, at your next rez change, do a hydrogen peroxide rinse through your grow medium. This will kill any potential larvae and won't pose any harm to your plant.

Fungus gnats aren't a threat to your plant it's their larvae that feed on roots that are the threat.
so it definitely was a fungus gnat, I ended up adding a quarter of a mosquito dunk in the water in a panty hose in case it broke apart, it has effectively controlled my issue; thanks y’all!