Please help! I dont know how to fix it.


Active Member
I left one of my plants out side the other day to get more sun, despite the fact we have been having off an on storms (like every other hour, its crazy) and I came back from work to find that 2 of the three sided leaves are all shriveld up and deffinatley dead. Should I cut them off and will it recover from the trauma, or just leave them and let it grow.. I only have 3 plants so I can't risk losing one. any help would be greatly apreciated, If you need a picture I can get it, just ask. My plants have been growing about a month and is about 6-7 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
pics? if the stem and roots are strong it might have a chance just supprt it as much as possible


Well-Known Member
Ya should not have to support them until the weight of the buds puuls them down. Any leaves that are dead remove them. They may have dried out from the wind or like wind damage.


Active Member
the reason i supported mine is because they became tall and lanky, so they fell over. i took support off one of the three, and its fine now, but one still needs it and i didnt touch the damaged plant.


Well-Known Member
If ya had a fan blowing on it the stock would be thick as hell. If ya had a fan then turn it up.