PLEASE HELP - First Time Grow


Well-Known Member
:?::?::?:I have 2 plants growing 1 blue mystic 1 big bud. I am having the problem with the bottom leaves turning yellow at the tips then eventually the whole leaf turns yellow and dies. What are some steps I can take to reverse this? Seems like its happening steadily as new leaves are growing the old ones are dying. I read in the plant diagnostic form that it may be a lack of Magnesium.

BTW I am using MG with 6 CFL @ 6500k bulbs. Which leads me to the next question. Would it be wise to switch soil? I do have alternate soil called Gardeners Pride. At this point the plants are roughly 16 days old. The plants in the red pot are Blue Mystic and the others are Big Bud. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

PS nevermind the time stamp on a couple of the pics forgot to set my camera.

Big Bud2.jpgBlue Mystic1.jpgBlue Mystic2.jpg Big Bud1.jpg


are these from seed or clone? if they are clones expect the old leaves that were on when cloned to die and if they are from seed the plants shouldn't be needing much in the way of nutrients (atleast not enough for leaves to strat dying. If they are from seed there is a good chance that the plant got stressed early in life and didn't start shedding the damaged leaves until new ones came up. I think they look pretty good. I've been growing for awhile and I'll give you a couple tips. One- when the leaf is more than %30 yellow cut it off where the stem of the leaf meets the main stem of plant. When the leaf is on it's way out the plant will use alot of it's energy to try and save the leaf even though it cannot save it. by trimmin it off it will redirect that energy back into growin. your blues look fantastic. I cant get that strain where i am but i have grown big bud a few times and you better be ready for some big nuggets! Big bud is a great beginner strain it's fairly bug and mold resistant plus is very incouraging, once you get your harvest you'll want to grow it again (big harvest). hahaha if you have any other questions just let me know. what Nutes are you usin?


Well-Known Member
If those two strains you are running are clones, then you are fine. As a rule for me, I usually take leaves that are around 50% compromised due to various factors.


Well-Known Member
These are from seeds, For nutes I got MG singles that are at 24-8-16 and use 1 single to gal. of water and then dilute that.


Well-Known Member
also for magnesium deficiency use 1 tablespoon of epsom salt(magnesium sulfate) per gallon of a quick fix you can foliar feed with 1 table spoon per litre of water hope this helps


Active Member
:?::?::?:I have 2 plants growing 1 blue mystic 1 big bud. I am having the problem with the bottom leaves turning yellow at the tips then eventually the whole leaf turns yellow and dies. What are some steps I can take to reverse this? Seems like its happening steadily as new leaves are growing the old ones are dying. I read in the plant diagnostic form that it may be a lack of Magnesium.

BTW I am using MG with 6 CFL @ 6500k bulbs. Which leads me to the next question. Would it be wise to switch soil? I do have alternate soil called Gardeners Pride. At this point the plants are roughly 16 days old. The plants in the red pot are Blue Mystic and the others are Big Bud. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

PS nevermind the time stamp on a couple of the pics forgot to set my camera.

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when do u plan on watering again?


Well-Known Member
probably in about 4-5 days my moisture readings are anywhere from 5 to 7 still.
fuck moisture readings......use your finger dude. stick it in the soil....if you stick it down 2 inches and you don't feel moisture it's time to water......and I just use epsom salt when I see the leaves starting to yellow again.....the reason you got a mag def(if that is what it is) is because it is not in MG nutes(bastards). I know this because I too am a MG user.


Well-Known Member
I would foliar feed for three days straight with the epsom solution..........Dissolve it in a cup of warm water first.......add a 1/4 teaspoon of biodegradable dish soap to every gallon of water so it spreads more evenly across the leaves. Foliar feed 30 minutes after lights on when the leaves are reaching for the light. make sure to get the bottom of the leaves when spraying. be careful not to spray near lights. move plants to a far corner when spraying. And spray the leaves with plain water at lights out so you don't get salt build up.


Active Member
Uhmmm. it looks nute burned to me.
me 2 i think your watering too often those look like full size pots what are they ten or twelve inch? u should be able to go a couple weeks with little plants like that before needing to water..... is this the organic or the green bag crap?


Active Member
fuck moisture readings......use your finger dude. stick it in the soil....if you stick it down 2 inches and you don't feel moisture it's time to water......and I just use epsom salt when I see the leaves starting to yellow again.....the reason you got a mag def(if that is what it is) is because it is not in MG nutes(bastards). I know this because I too am a MG user.
surely theres magnesium in the miracle grow im having a hard time believing that......are u lying again 40?........your right about the finger tho always a good idea to stick that in first


I'm a big fan of picking up or slightly tipping the pot to feel how heavy it is to figure out when i need more water.


Active Member
Def nute burn, i had the same issue on my current MG grow. I mixed heavily with perlite and decrease the freqency and quantity of waterings. From what I gather MG releases its nutes when watered, and since MG doesnt drain well on its own your going to have overwatering issues accompanied by nute burn. Mine are no longer burning, but i lost my first true leaves before figuring it out.