please help fast


Active Member
i have a can filter 1500 thats carbon activated and im on a budget so i bought a inline booster 6" fan thats 160 cfm but will it be more effective to push air through tha filter or to pull air through? i tried to pull but it still smells bad and this is a BIG problem. i tried flipping it and it seems lyke there is back flow lyke not enough air is pushed thru tha filter, its going in and comin out or it seems lyke this to me.? im lost and need help fast please and thank you


Active Member
Im far from an expert but from what ive read, you should have your filter inside and pull out. Hopefuly someone more knowledgable will chime in. Good luck!


Active Member
booster fans don't move near their rated cfm - that is your problem... push or pull it won't cut it, you need a real fan