Please help! discolored light green leafs & burning from edges inward


Active Member
Hi, This is my first indoor grow with 1x1000watt MH light for veg and 1x1000watt HPS light for flowering. Currently I have 7 SnowWhite fem from Nirvana veging under the MH light. It has been roughly 30 days since potting day and they have been growing fairly nice the whole time but near the last week or two the larger plants have been having a leaf discoloration. They look like a lighter green near the edges moving inward. Also in the last few days a few of the plants have been burned somehow. There is no grow medium, just good ol Fox Farms Ocean forest Organic Potting Soil and 2 gallon pots. I dont know the watering schedule off the top of my head but I will edit ASAP. Please look at the pictures tho and let me know what you think.
Edit: I water all of them in the morning with plain water and then I water them at 9pm with nutes.



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Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
Hmmm... i think pH is not so good. maybe its too alkaline? i bet it's 8.0 with water and soil.

Well im not an expert at all and im not sure about it. It may be that. or too much those nutriens.

DO u have nutrians and do u have pH device? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Could it be water burn? like when you spray your leaves when the lights are on and the water acts as an magnifing glass burning little holes in them??


Green Thumb of God
Some kind of nutrient deficiency. Look in the common plant problems thread and compare your plant to the pictures and you will figure out what to do. I have so much of that kind of stuff happen throughout my grows it usually clears itself up in a few days and never seems to effect my yield. I'm lazy though it's probably better to figure out what it is and proactively work towards fixing it.


Green Thumb of God
Could it be water burn? like when you spray your leaves when the lights are on and the water acts as an magnifing glass burning little holes in them??

Thta is a good possibility as well looking at the shape and distances between the spots. My solution for both is the same wait a few days and it should go away


Active Member
the water is 6.3 and the soil is 6.3 but the soil meter is showing 7.6 to 7.9 for the soil/water mixture. How do I fix the overall pH of the soil/water mixture? Why does it rise from 6.3?

Higgins (Sorry, I posted with the wrong acct)
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Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
Well pH seems to be good. my soil is 6.5 and my water is 8.4 and it's fine. i think that your light have may done that. :blsmoke:

Just keep doing what ur doing and i think you'll be fine. :roll:


Well-Known Member
im having the same problems and it does seem to happen only when i spray my leaves when the lights are on. it does not seems to be getting any worse


Well-Known Member
Soil ph meters are crap. crap, crap!!! either invest in a digital one or go get some litmus paper ( ph test strips). Dont trust that meters reading!!!


Well-Known Member
few of the plants have been burned somehow. There is no grow medium, just good ol Fox Farms Ocean forest Organic Potting Soil and 2 gallon pots.
First of all, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, is your soil grow medium. Soil is a medium, dont forget. That is nutrient burn. Have a feeding schedule, DO NOT FEED TWICE A DAY. I water every other day with nutes, untill flowering. I still water once a day, but half the time she's getting straight water. Also those ph strips are the only sufficient soil ph's tests. Your ph is off probably if your feeding 2x daily in soil. In hydro feeding 2x daily wouldnt be a problem, but in soil you roots are going to mold and clog, since your medium never really gets time to dry out. This is a must. Your medium needs to completely dry out or youll get problems, even fungis knats
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Well-Known Member
my ph meter works great, you really aint sticking the digital ph meter into the soil you are testing the runoff, works great but those soil meters only work for moisture.. litmus paper or ph test strips work better than anything except a good meter


Active Member
I slowed the nuts feeding but continued to water it with normal water but it died. The nute burn didn't get better and all the leaves just shrivled up. I wish I new what was wrong so I could try and save the others if it occurs again.
